Sunday, August 14, 2005

Such Compassion!

Well, I thought Chimpie had really bottomed out for me as perhaps the most public example of sociopathy in office in the history of our nation, but this piece from the Birmingham News just blew my mind. I'd say that the verdict is in that Bush is completely absent of empathy.
Bush said he is aware of the anti-war sentiments of Cindy Sheehan and others who have joined her protest near the Bush ranch.

"But whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there's somebody who has got something to say to the president, that's part of the job," Bush said on the ranch. "And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say."

...Bush's Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading. "I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy," he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him. "And part of my being is to be outside exercising."
Chimpie's right, of course. We do indeed "want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions." That is, if he had ever actually made a good decision. Well, there was one. Again, the only thing I can think of that has actually gotten better for the country is the crackdown on unsolicited telephone calls during the dinner hour. Stacking the rest of his "legacy" against that, I'd say that if exercise is what informs Chimpie's decisions, he ought to spend all his waking hours on the couch with a bag of Cheetohs and a few six-packs, watching porn. Then we might see just a glimmer of competence.

As for compassion, understanding, or empathy, forget it. If his poll numbers on the war sink any lower, Barbara and Jenna had better head to Sweden. Chimpie will be signing them up for the Marine Corps if it'll save his ass. And while he's at it, hasn't he got some nephews and nieces who are available for Iraq?

I guarantee you, if anything happened to them, he wouldn't feel a thing, or at least as much as he feels for Casey Sheehan, 1850 other dead Americans, or the wounded GIs, or the dead and maimed Iraqis. After all, he has to go on with his life. He's got bikes to ride and naps to take.

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