Sunday, August 14, 2005

Such Compassion! (part 2) and What You GIs Can Expect From Your Republican Friends

It just keeps on coming. Check out this passage about a Bush supporter down in Crawford. His "support" for our troops is damned impressive, don't you think?
Many Bush supporters say the president has little to gain politically by meeting with Sheehan. "I have no problem with what these people are doing here. This is America, and that's their right," said Elliott Mattlage, who owns the 300-acre cattle ranch next to the intersection where Camp Casey has taken shape.

Wearing a "Bush-Cheney 2004" shirt, the retired 67-year-old said he worked for defense contractors for nearly 40 years. "I sympathize with anyone who's lost a child. But nobody asked this guy (Sheehan) to join the service," Mattlage said.

Then he pointed over a rise in his 50-head ranch. "If we don't stop these terrorists over there, then they're going to be right there in that creek."
Don't you love that? "[N]obody asked this guy (Sheehan) to join the service." Does he go to the Veterans' Administration hospitals and remind the amputees that it was their own fucking decision and no one else's that got them blown up?

And then the sheer idiocy of the terrorists being "right there in that creek," if we hadn't invaded Iraq. Yep, they were gathering on the Lousiana-Texas border as I recall, sending in sapper units to blow up his stock tanks and kidnap his cattle for use in unspeakable sexual acts.

The fact that there is still about 40% of the population that believes this fantasy gives me a very bad feeling about this country. Are this many people really this damned stupid? Are this many Americans really so blase' about the useless waste of our military, which is now so weakened we may not be able to answer more serious threats?

Good God. I need a drink. Is the sun over the yardarm yet?

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