Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Fleet of These Ten Times Bigger

Take this design, but make it ten times larger. Build a few hundred of them. Then, with unemployed citizens at the controls, converge on the Capitol, and make it clear that tax cuts are of no use to the unemployed, the homeless, and those bankrupted by health care costs. The "stimulus" bill, a bastard child of phony bipartisanship in which three Republican senators are able to compromise the will of the American people and make a full 35% of the stimulus a series of tax cuts, reflects the total corruption of our political system. The Democrats, too timid and dumb to assert their power--given to them by the people--have allowed the Republicans to dictate the terms of this package, which is too small and terribly misdirected.

This is a scandalous crime! The need is for jobs, jobs, jobs! God damn it, how many times do I have to scream at the Obama administration that you should not waste time or energy trying to compromise with people who are fanatical ideologues who would rather destroy a nation than face the reality of their own failures and the sheer idiocy of their belief that tax cuts solve everything.

A thousand giant spider robots. How cool is that? Robots are beautiful. Spider robots are magnificent.