Saturday, March 31, 2007

When Is a Dick a Dick and not a Johnson?

One of my spies sent this in. I don't know the meaning of it, but it's worth a post.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Citroen Porn

Sorry about the hiatus, but I really haven't had much to say, partly because the insanity of the Bushits is so self-evident and partly because I've really not felt very witty or in the mood for biting, self-referential, bile-spewing rhetoric. Daisy (see previous post) was my editor-in-chief and primary muse--she was taciturn and quite economical with her comments, but when she voiced an opinion, it carried great weight. It's too, too quiet around here now.

So if you'll indulge me a little transitional period, I thought I'd share some of my favorite automobile pornography, which involves, naturally, Citroens. This little orange number struck me as a nearly perfect urban vehicle in terms of design. So far as I know, this model--the C3 Puriel--is not the greatest, mechanically speaking, and really, who needs a car in any city and country with good public transportation? Still, we're not likely to shift out of our American auto-addicted lifestyle soon, but using cute little bugs like this one could go a long way to cutting fuel use and restoring some fun to driving. And Dude, it's French.