Friday, July 29, 2005

The Power of Denial

Raw Story has a terrific piece on how our beloved Chimpie is capable--or incapable--of resolving contradictions between his belief and actual proof in all matters.
Bush knows Rove is innocent because that is what Bush’s heart tells him; his brain is incapable of grasping the resulting circularity. This kind of knowledge, so widely and deeply embraced by his supporters, was the basis for Bush’s elevation to the White House. It explains his intransigent stance on Social Security, on John Bolton, and virtually everything else he has wrought since; the light of reason is not allowed to reach the dark place where Bush holds his beliefs.
It does seem to be a common capability required to become a far-right theo-fascist, as I witnessed in my old ex--brother-in-law, Knobhead, or in any of the radical Xtian wingnuts I deal with locally. It makes me wish that the second coming of Jesus would really happen, and he would return as a militant Marxist lesbian who tells all the theocratic nutballs that he meant what he said, that is, give away your shit, turn the other cheek, and follow me into a communal sharing and loving.

I'd love to see them reconcile that.

Meanwhile, here on earth, in the USA, the Rove/Plame matter bubbles on beneath the surface of the kneepad press's focus on Day 61 of the missing Alabama white girl in Aruba, but prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald steadily moves forward. As the Raw Story piece notes:
So our President knows Karl Rove is innocent of any wrongdoing, no matter what facts may bubble up from the tar pit he nurtured but cannot acknowledge. Because Bush cannot recognize the incompatibility between his knowledge and the facts that refute it, he cannot resolve that contradiction. Thus it falls to Patrick Fitzgerald to resolve it for him.
Yes, one can only hope that the ultimate effect of this investigation will result in impeachment, removal from office, indictment for criminal acts, conviction, and detention in a federal prison where the sociopath Chimpie and his minions can continue to live in denial without anyone getting hurt any longer by it.

I'm willing to compromise a little on this. Imprisonment in an international prison for war crimes would also be satisfactory, just so Chimpie has plenty of free time to ruminate over these--for him--difficult paradoxes.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mr.Fitzgerald, Here's What I Want for My Birthday

Yep, my b-day is in a couple of weeks, and I can think of no better present than to have the head of Condoleeza Rice served up alongside those of Rove and Scooter Libby on a handmade plate of indictments from the special prosecutor. Counterpunch has a fantastic treatment of her complicity or complete control over the outing of Valerie Plame entitled "Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal: The Source Beyond Rove" written by former National Security Council staff member Roger Morris.
In fact, though her pivotal role has been missed entirely ­or deliberately ignored-in both the media feeding frenzy and the rising political clamor, Condoleezza Rice was also deeply embroiled in the Niger uranium-Plame scandal, arguably as much as or more so than either Rove or Libby.
This article goes to the larger crime of which the Rove/Plame scandal is but a single part: the illegal war on Iraq.
Slowly, relentlessly, despite the evidence, the hoax of the Iraq-Niger uranium emerges as a central thread in the fabricated justification for war, and thus in the President's, Rice's, and the regime's inseparable credibility. The discrediting of Wilson, in which the outing his CIA wife is irresistible, becomes as imperative for Rice as for Rove and Libby, Bush and Cheney. And when that moment comes, she has the unique authority, and is in a position, to do the deed. Motive, means, opportunity-in the classic terms of prosecution, Rice had them all.
As the author notes, it's not a simple, easy-to-follow story, hence the kneepad press, who couldn't put two Legos together unless they were handed them already joined, has never reported it. But take the time to read this. It will be the new turn in the story, and when Chimpie's star player, Condi Rice, is ultimately indicted, it's going to be a thing of beauty to watch him try and squirm out of responsibility for what will follow.

Chimpie and the criminal cabal is finished. It's over, twerp!

Is It the Heat? Sorry, But I Can't Help It

How could I not point you all to this lovely headline?
GOP Should Probe Rove, But Won't
Wait. I thought that was what Jeff Gannon/James Guckert was doing at the White House. (Ba-da-bum!)

Sorry. I just can't resist a setup like that. Anyway, the opinion piece under that title is quite a good, concise summary of the case, although diplomatic. Here's the subtext: Your government has been taken over by extremists who will even excuse the most blatant criminality so long as they can maintain or increase their power from it.

Family values, my friggin' ass.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Why I Think Fitzgerald Is Going to Take Down the Entire Bush Empire

Patrick Fitzgerald knows something, and what he knows is that he is now bigger than Bush, and all of the lickspittles who have been carrying Chimpie's water all these years are terrified of the special prosecutor.

If you were in Mr. Fitzgerald's shoes, which would be a more meaningful career move, as well as a personal accomplishment--being a Chimpie chump, or taking down a sitting president and his entire corrupt criminal organization?

Which one do you think will assure the man a place in history?

And although I believe that Mr. Fitzgerald probably just wants to do the right thing, fulfill his obligation to his office, and follow the law, I can forgive him a little bit of ambition at what he now has the power to do to these bastards, especially after what they have so brazenly, arrogantly, and with evil joy done to our country.

It's gonna be sweet!

Get Rich Quick Schemes You Never Thought Of: Part One

Taking a break from Rove and Chimpie and all that crap, there is this:
An Italian couple stole 50,000 euros from a woman in the Sicilian city of Palermo after convincing her they were vampires who would impregnate her with the son of the Anti-Christ if she did not pay them.
I hesitated to put this story on my largely unread blog here, because spreading the word would, you know, undermine the likelihood that I could pull the same scam in my own community. But then no one reads this, right? So what the hell.

At least, I was plenty amused by it.