Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor

Do you recognize the fellow the left and slightly behind Karl Rove doing his "MC Rove" bit at last year's Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner? You should, because he is NBC's chief White House correspondent. Why care? Well, now that yet another White House insider has confirmed what we on the left have been screaming for seven fucking years, and in particular chiding (not scolding, only chiding) the press for "being too deferential to the White House," some "journalists" are offended.

ABC's Ann Compton was perplexed: "Is Scott suggesting the White House press corps can stop, or start wars?"

David Gregory, NBC News' chief White House correspondent, opined: "I think he's wrong." He added: "I think we pushed, I think we prodded. ...The right questions were asked."

I think it takes a lot of goddamn arrogance to party with Karl Rove like this and claim objectivity. The Fourth Estate, aka Mainstream Media, is on the inside of the power elite sphere, and they know fucking well who butters their bread. Oh sure, they pose a few show questions now and then, but ask them to leave the buffet in the press room long enough to perhaps investigate beneath the veneer of White House propaganda, and they claim it's not their job. Ann Compton engages in some really dopey rhetoric asking "Is Scott suggesting the White House press corps can stop, or start wars?" Of course the press cannot stop or start wars, BUT THEY CAN DO THEIR FUCKING JOB AND INFORM THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY SO THEY DON'T GET BAMBOOZLED AND SUCKED INTO IDIOTIC WARS AND SHITTY DOMESTIC POLICIES. If all they do is echo the news releases from the administration, what is their added value?

They make me sick. David Gregory, you should exile yourself to a cave for a while and reflect on the blood on your hands and those of your fellow bootlicking colleagues. Are those press dinners really worth the lives of Americans and Iraqis?

You're goddamned right I'm mad.

The Grab


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Good News, Bad News

Two Conversations

(A friendly note--if a panel look too small on your monitor, clicking on it will enlarge it. However, in the interest of keeping the loading times short, the panels are pretty lo-fi and so some may look a bit rough when magnified. On the other hand, it usually makes the light/shade balance better to enlarge them and you might catch a bit more detail.)
