Friday, August 12, 2005

Great Moments in Dumbass Punditry

Even when the most obvious answer is standing over you like a Kodiak bear about to tear your head off, some "experts" still manage to play dumber than Chimpie on 'ludes. Get this from the Washington Post about the Bush administration's mixed signals on Iraq.
"The Bush administration has lost control of its public affairs management of this issue," said Christopher F. Gelpi, a Duke University scholar whose analyses of wartime public opinion have been studied in the White House. "They were so focused on this through 2004. . . . I don't know why they've slipped."
Let me help you out, Mr. Gelpi, Duke University "scholar." Chimpie's criminal enterprise has slipped because even George Costanza couldn't keep this juggling act of lies and coverups going on even his best day. "Public affairs management" sort of breaks down when you've been proven to have lied, smeared, obstructed and demonstrated total incompetence in everything, including preventing 9/11, fighting terror, "stabilizing" the Middle East, managing the economy, and protecting the Constitution.

It's got nothing to do now with "public affairs." It's about indictments, impeachment, and a new American revolution against tyranny of the oligarchy that is the Bush criminal empire.

Oh, am I overstating things, do you think? Let's wait and see. Wait and see.

Picture Worth a Thousand Words

An iconic moment and image borrowed from Tiananmen Square which says everything necessary about this administration vis-a-vis the people of the United States. If you need the historical context (for you young 'uns out there) here's the 1989 reference.

Here's Your Scorecard to the Rove/Plame Affair

This list at Think Progress may find correspondence to the list of indictments Patrick Fitzgerald will be handing down soon. Although Bush and Cheney will have to be impeached prior to indictment, prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment on all of their crimes, the entertainment value of watching these various cohorts and underlings turn traitor to Chimpie and Dick to save their own virgin asses will be greater than any spectacle in the history of television.

And there's good news for some of Chimpie's friends in his downfall too. I imagine that the large media conglomerates might be waking up to the explosion of viewership of cable news shows that such events would bring and may be raising their advertising rates and lining up sponsors as I type this. After all, no matter what their loyalties to power, media executives' higher allegiance is to the accumulation of capital, so if the story of Chimpie's downfall comes true, they will be all over it like flies on a steaming shitpile.

Pop some popcorn and lay in a few cases of Pilsner Urquell, folks. It's going to be great!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Please Read Cindy Sheehan's Post

You'll find it on The Huffington Post.

Thanks to Anonymous for suggesting it in a comment on my previous post.

The Definition of UnAmerican

Cripes, this makes my blood boil.
Some have suggested that Sheehan is disloyal to criticize the president in time of war. Even in Vacaville, Sheehan said, some people say she is shaming her son's memory. Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin disdainfully called the activists promoting Sheehan "grief pimps."
First of all, what the fuck has loyalty TO the president got to do with anything? As I understand it, the president owes HIS loyalty to US, and that means to tell us the truth, not keep any secrets but those that could truly be used to harm us, and that he must earn that loyalty every god-damned day he's in office.

We don't owe any president of any party any loyalty, other than to be loyal to the duty to continually challenge all public officeholders to fulfill their obligations to the Constitution and the people whom they serve. And remember, THEY serve at OUR pleasure.

Anyone who demands loyalty should go find some kingdom or dictatorship to live in. That shit doesn't play in my house, motherfuckers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

One Can Only Hope This Guy Is Right

He may be a nut, but still, this piece is interesting in a fantasy sort of way. Here's the money paragraph:
Flocco reported last week that Fitzgerald's grand jury voted out "true bills" or federal criminal indictments against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, former CIA Director George Tenet, Presidential Senior Advisor Karl Rove, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff I. "Scooter" Libby, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Vice-Presidential Senior Advisor Mary Matalin.
Talk about your grand slam, hat trick, hole-in-one. This would be a cause for a new national holiday.

However, don't quote these allegations as fact. Tom Flacco's stuff is supported by another fellow, Sherman Skolnick, of whom I know nothing, who adds this:
"Shown also as unindicted co-conspirators are two Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, William Rehnquist and Antonin Scalia, who are among the "Gang of Five" also in Bush versus Gore. Because of the horrendous consequences involved, the indictments are suppressed and there may be an extended delay until they appear on the Chicago Federal Court open records.
To quote Al Michaels at the Winter Olympics in 1980 after the US beat the Soviet team, do you believe in miracles?

Yes, these guys may be of the tin-foil hat crowd, but we are allowed our dreams so long as we return to reality when there's fighting to be done. Unlike the Chimpie administration.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We Were Neck Deep in the Big Muddy...

...and the big fool says to push on.

The latest USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll is enough to knock Chimpie off the wagon, Jesus or no Jesus. Here are some highlights:
57% say the Iraq war has made the US more vulnerable, while 34% say it's safer.

56% say the war is going badly, while 43% say it is going well.

54% say the war was a mistake, and 44% say it was not.

54% say the war was "not worth it," and 44% say it was.
You can view the poll results here.

Scared Shitless in Crawford

We know Chimpie didn't fulfill his own military obligations, including avoiding service in Vietnam by getting his daddy's pal to put him in the "Champagne" squadron of Texas Air National Guard. Then he skipped out early on his service, despite having had a million bucks invested in his flying training. So that makes him a chickenhawk. Now please understand that I in principle sympathize with Chimpie in this--after all, not many of my contemporaries wanted to fight in Vietnam, but some of us did our duty anyway. Some got lucky, like me, and ended up in Europe watching the Russkies, while 58,000 others came back dead and a half million more came back maimed. But what makes the chickenhawk sobriquet so damning is that GW has always been a big believer in war, particularly when it's other people who are dying in it. And then, when you add the facts of this particular campaign and the lies and corruption that sent us into it, well, it makes George W. Bush a good candidate for impeachment and then indictment for war crimes.

I wonder why he hasn't been landing on carriers in his crotch-enhanced flight suit lately? Haven't the foes been vanquished, or at least aren't they in their "last throes"?

But Chimpie gets a promotion all the same this week, and all it took was a diminutive woman with a simple question to turn him into chickenshit. Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq last year just wants to talk to Bush, and is willing to camp outside his compound in Crawford all month, if necessary. So far, Chimpie has sent out two representatives (Stephen Hadley, Bush's national security adviser, who now fills the notoriously incompetent shoes of Condi Rice, and Joe Hagin, deputy White House chief of staff) to spout platitudes, and then had the Secret Service race its SUVs back and forth to scare Ms. Sheehan off the road, and then there was talk of arresting her. Anything, anything would be better than having to actually confront someone who disagrees with him. He's a chickenshit.

Not to mention completely tone deaf about the PR possibilities of trying to console her, but then, we know that as a functioning sociopath, Bush is incapable of empathy, and as a mentally ill megalomaniac, he really thinks that he can just wish things go away and someone will see to it.

So here we are, 1800+ sons and daughters sacrificed like Ms. Sheehan's son Casey thanks to a chickenshit chickenhawk's lies to the nation about the threat of Iraq embodied in the image of a mushroom cloud over an American city. Tens of thousands of other Americans are maimed. Over a hundred thousand Iraqis, the vast majority innocent civilians, also dead, and many many more made into amputees or blinded or emotionally destroyed.

The real shame of this, of course, is that it takes a lone mother of a lost son to do what we pay our legions of politicians in the House and Senate to do. The Democratic leadership is a disgrace, and the Republicans are a disaster wrapped in a criminal enterprise. Yet even with the entire apparatus of his criminal empire behind him, Chimpie Bush is afraid to exchange words with Ms. Sheehan, who sits baking in the sun asking only that her First Amendment right be honored--"the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Of course, Chimpie probably never read that part. He's still moving his lips as he works through the Ten Commandments.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Laziest Son of a Bitch in America

They can call it the "Western White House" or the Crawford Compound of Criminality for all I care, but this "chief executive" known as Chimpie who we have had thrust upon us wouldn't last one day in any reputable company on the planet. Not only is he incompetent, uncaring, a liar, and potentially a war criminal, he's a giant fucking goof-off, and he makes no bones about it. Julie Mason of the Houston Chronicle has a nice summary of his "hard work" as contrasted with the rest of us working stiffs who pay his salary:
Never a big fan of Washington, Bush much prefers his 1,600-acre ranch, where he can clear brush, toodle around in his truck and ride his mountain bike far from the hassles and scrutiny of the capital.

"I'm looking forward to getting down there and just kind of settling in. I'll be doing a lot of work; on the other hand, I'll also be kind of making sure my Texas roots run deep," Bush said last week.

In all, Bush has made 49 trips to Crawford for a total of about 325 days since he took office.

At this clip, Bush will surpass the vacation record of President Reagan, who tallied up 436 days in his two terms.

A recent poll commissioned by the travel Web site found most Americans get about 12 vacation days a year. The average American, according to the poll, will use all but three of those days.

Bush, according to the poll, takes about as many days off each year as a typical worker in France. The French get 39 days off each year and generally use all but one, the poll said.
So we're paying this fuckup/fuckoff to "toodle around in his truck" and do photo-ops of cutting brush, as if he ever does one goddamned thing he can't nettle his daddy or his ass-sucking allies to do for him. And the White House reporters? Well, they play along like the good little bitches they are, not asking him why he won't meet with Cindy Sheehan, or where Osama bin Laden is, or how we're paying for the war of lies in Iraq, or why the vice president's chief of staff Scooter Libby was meeting with Judith Miller and discussing Valerie Plame.

If Chimpie should fall off his mountain bike again or slash off his kneecap with his chainsaw, we'll know every detail, you can be sure, but Bush doesn't even answer questions when he's allegedly "on the job," let alone when he's in hiding in his version of Haus Wachenfeld in Shitheel, Texas. Don't ask him anything serious, for Christ's sake! He's got to preserve his energy for testimony to the impeachment hearings and the subsequent US and internation criminal courts.

Cut the boy some slack.