Friday, August 12, 2005

Here's Your Scorecard to the Rove/Plame Affair

This list at Think Progress may find correspondence to the list of indictments Patrick Fitzgerald will be handing down soon. Although Bush and Cheney will have to be impeached prior to indictment, prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment on all of their crimes, the entertainment value of watching these various cohorts and underlings turn traitor to Chimpie and Dick to save their own virgin asses will be greater than any spectacle in the history of television.

And there's good news for some of Chimpie's friends in his downfall too. I imagine that the large media conglomerates might be waking up to the explosion of viewership of cable news shows that such events would bring and may be raising their advertising rates and lining up sponsors as I type this. After all, no matter what their loyalties to power, media executives' higher allegiance is to the accumulation of capital, so if the story of Chimpie's downfall comes true, they will be all over it like flies on a steaming shitpile.

Pop some popcorn and lay in a few cases of Pilsner Urquell, folks. It's going to be great!


Neil Shakespeare said...

Hey, Olaf. Thanks for the scorecard. I'm sharpening up my #2 pencils. Most of my beer money is going for gasoline these days, 'tho. Love your posts. Thanks. (Not so sure about their "Virgin Asses", however. My suspectin' instincts tell me that some of their rectums may not be so pure.)

Olaf said...

Well, I figure since women who have been "born again" can reclaim their virginity now through some sort of ritual, there's no reason for Rove and company not to freshen up their bungholes in time for the federal penitentiary.

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend.