Saturday, October 01, 2005

He Digs His Porno

The reason Bush is threatening to veto a defense appropriation bill of $440 billion is because he has no second source for good torture and snuff films. And now that he may be back on the bottle--maybe even coking it up--his appetite should increase significantly. According to the report:
Last summer, Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and John Warner of Virginia and others sought legislation banning cruel and degrading treatment of prisoners.
Be careful John and John--this could earn you a berth in Guantanamo...and you'd think McCain would have learned his lesson by now about the ruthlessness of the Bushits.

Questions for Bush Lovers

Doesn't it bother you to exploit a man who is mentally ill, to expect him to perform competently as president?

Now go have some fun. My favorite is the "Choke on a Pretzel" button.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Shorthand for What I Think of the Dems

I wish I had done this. It speaks volumes.

Maybe It's the Friday Blues

With all the shit that's piled up on the Bushit administration, from Iraq to New Orleans, with allies like Jack Abramoff, David Safavian, and Scumbag Tom Delay getting indicted, jailbird Judy Miller finally testifying to the Plame outing grand jury, and Alan Greenspan admitting that the US budget is "out of control," it should be finished, kaput, done, over, with only the indictments to continue, convictions to be made, and prison sentences to be announced. I should be happy to see how hard these motherfuckers are going to hit the ground, and yet I find myself depressed. Where is the piling on? The mainstream press, so needy for news, so carnivorous where missing white women are concerned, seem toothless, which makes sense, I guess, because as much as they seem to be blowing the Republicans in power, it's best that their oral cavities be configured for maximum pleasure.

Is it me, or is something very wrong in the shock levels of this country? How can the American people be willing to quietly accept this totally corrupt and incompetent government thrust upon us? Where are the demonstrations? Where are the riots, for that matter? Why aren't the young people of this nation, those who are going to suffer most for what is being done to this country, out in the streets? Is it the Ritalin they've been taking since grade school? Is it flouridated water? Or are they just totally hopeless? Why the complacency?

Frankly, none of this stuff actually affects me directly, so why should I even care? I don't need an abortion, I'm too old to draft, I don't have any kids who might end up in Iraq, or who need an education, and I'm not black, gay, female, or of any other marginalized group. I am actually a net beneficiary of Chimpie's ridiculous tax cut policies. If the people who are going to get hit hardest by a continuation of this insane administration don't give a fuck and can't be troubled to even write a letter, let alone throw their bodies against the wheels of the machine, why the hell should I worry? I'll be dead long before the biggest, baddest chickens come home to roost on the remains of this "civilization." When America, as a direct result of the Chimpie disaster, sinks to second or even third world status, as the separation of rich and poor grows ever greater, as our social institutions fail from neglect and direct sabotage by right-wing idealogues, I'm on the safe side of the divide. Why should I give a fuck about the rest of you?

Well, that's probably what the hoohahs in your Democratic Party are thinking, and that's why they can't seem to make 10 cents out of the lottery winnings they're getting from the Republicans themselves. The only thing more incompetent and enraging than Republican malfeasance is the behavior of the Democrats. They continue to cower under the shadow of Rove and his minions, begging not to be slapped again, promising to be good little butt-boys, handed the ball on the goal line only to run in the opposite direction.

And that's why I'm depressed.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

On the Way Back to the Dark Ages, Something to Smile About

The Giant Flying Cockroach, Tom DeLay, has gotten his six creepy feet stuck in the gooey linoleum of the Roach Motel of prosecutor Ronnie Earle. And now, at long last, the mainstream media is turning the light on when Roachie can no longer scutter and fly into the dank corner behind the basket of potatoes under the sink. How wonderful is this, posted on Yahoo! news:
"What we're trying to avoid is Ronnie Earle having him taken down in handcuffs, and fingerprinted and photographed. That's uncalled for and I don't think that's going to happen," said Dick DeGuerin, DeLay's attorney.
I sincerely hope that before the day is out we'll get to see mugshots of Roachie on the web, like this one, or perhaps, even better, like this.

On another front, perhaps Americans will finally be forced to confront the nasty reality of war in its worst expression, particularly for a country which insists on its mythology of righteousness and rule of law. A judge has ruled that the military cannot withold Abu Ghraib and other photos of torture just because of what they might provoke. I really am amazed that no mainstream media pundit hasn't pointed out that it is not the pictures that are offensive, but the acts that were photographed. Somehow they cannot get past the representation to the thing represented. Didn't any of these numbskulls take basic English composition and rhetoric? Seymour Hersh will be proven right in what he said at an ACLU speech:
Some of the worst things that happened that you don’t know about. OK? Videos. There are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at [Abu Ghraib], which is about 30 miles from Baghdad — 30 kilometers, maybe, just 20 miles, I'm not sure whether it's — anyway. The women were passing messages out saying please come and kill me because of what’s happened. And basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children, in cases that have been [video] recorded, the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking. That your government has, and they’re in total terror it’s going to come out. It’s impossible to say to yourself, how did we get there, who are we, who are these people that sent us there.
After Katrina, the continuing disaster in Iraq, the indictments of Jack Abramhoff and Roachie DeLay, this is going to further tip public sentiment toward the side of those who know that this administration is a criminal enterprise like no other in our history. They are going to fall, and they are going to be made to pay for all of this. ALL OF IT!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ship, Rats, Captain and Crew...Oh, Wait, They're All Rats

The Republicans are in a major panic now, as evidenced by the absurd performance art of former FEMA director Michael "Drownie" Brown before the whitewash committee of the House, formed by, yes, the Republicans. In a bravura portrayal of a self-important, terribly wronged, yet obviously incompetent and lying sack o' shit, Brown entered the immortal annals of righteous indignation, alongside Clarence "In Scalia's Anus" Thomas, Ollie North, and, yes, William Jefferson Clinton ("I did not have sex with that woman." Oh, if only he had said, "Yeah, she sucked my cock. I'm the fuckin' president. What's it to ya?").

I can only believe that Drownie was directed to this Richard Burton-like level of acting because there is nothing left to these incompetent, lying, murdering, criminal bastards but air and words. With new indictments in the offing every single day (Frist's insider trading, Plamegate, Jack Abramoff, TRMPAC, and so on and on and on) they should be scared enough, except that prior to the laugh riot of Hurricane Katrina, the American public was so benumbed or just flat stupid to still give them the benefit of the doubt. But now the utter failures in Iraq, domestic facts of existence, and the unbelievable excesses of sleaziness of the right wing have finally penetrated all but the thickest of skulls, inside of which there is so little room for brain tissue that any hope of thought is hopelessly naive to expect.

It does not look good for a Republican future. The trend has gone totally negative for the Repugs as far as Bush and his criminal empire goes. Of the 31 states Chimpie carried, for Christ's sake, he now has negative approval ratings in 19 of them! The 12 holdouts include extremist nutlands like Utah, Idaho, Mississippi, Wyoming and Nebraska, but even places like Idaho are trending south. It's true that Mississippi and Utah are trending back upwards, but population-wise, who gives a fuck about them? If Haley Barbour, governor of Mississippi hadn't been a Bush cocksucker for decades, they'd still be treading water down there. Texas is even trending down on Chimpie faster than Judy Miller on Ahmad Chalabi's chubby.

But wait, as they say in the infomercials, there's more. I predict that we are going to see the pieces of a criminal puzzle come together that will dwarf any corruption seen at the federal level since 1789, encompassing, perhaps, even capital murder. Bush will earn his place in history, all right. He'll be the man who redeemed Warren Harding as perhaps overly maligned when put against this new scale of corruption.

You set the new standard Chimpie-boy! Congratulations!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Buy Chimpie a Drink Day

He needs it. Newsweek reports that El Presidente is not getting his beauty sleep, and that is tragic.
The president didn't look all that relieved or happy, however. His eyes were puffy from lack of sleep (he had been awakened all through the night with bulletins), and he seemed cranky and fidgety. A group of reporters and photographers had been summoned by White House handlers to capture a photo op of the commander in chief at his post. Bush stared at them balefully. He rocked back and forth in his chair, furiously at times, asked no questions and took no notes. It almost seemed as though he resented having to strike a pose for the press.
You have to read the entire article to get to the most disturbing part, which arises in the last two lines of the piece:
Public-opinion polls suggest that faith in Bush's competence is sagging. But there are a lot of storm systems yet to come—and three years is time enough for Bush to show that his leadership means more than staging heroic poses.
Jesus. We now learn that poor Chimpie can't even be bothered to slide into his flight suit and pad out his crotch for America. It's clear that he is in desperate need of a drink...or the rest that a resignation would give him. It's so sad to see someone so over his head that he can't even fake it any more--not that he was ever any good at faking anything, but the kneepad mainstream press operated for so long pretending that he had gravitas that they became gullible to their own bullshit. Such obedient behavior has kept Karl Rove in near-constant orgasm since 9/11.

Anyway, today I want to proclaim September 26 as "Buy Chimpie a Drink Day," and while I do not solicit contributions of any kind, I would like my few readers to at least gather up all those 2-for-1 margarita coupons, airline drink vouchers, and any ads for 10 cent beers in the Crawford or D.C. area and send them to George W. Bush at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The good news is that Chimpie may indeed have started hitting the bottle again, and given his record, that's something that can only improve his performance, particularly if he can reach the passing-out stage of drunkenness regularly. Hell, maybe he'll even challenge the old man to go "mano a mano" again. Now that the elder Bush is at least 80, perhaps Chimpie can take him, although Junior's cowardice will still only be negated by what comes out of a Jim Beam bottle.

That should, however, give him some solace, because while his presidency goes down in flames as the worst ever in U.S. history, he will be remembered in a new terminology that I shall coin. We can now call the alcoholic poultice for overcoming fear to be forever known as "Bush Courage."