Friday, September 30, 2005

Maybe It's the Friday Blues

With all the shit that's piled up on the Bushit administration, from Iraq to New Orleans, with allies like Jack Abramoff, David Safavian, and Scumbag Tom Delay getting indicted, jailbird Judy Miller finally testifying to the Plame outing grand jury, and Alan Greenspan admitting that the US budget is "out of control," it should be finished, kaput, done, over, with only the indictments to continue, convictions to be made, and prison sentences to be announced. I should be happy to see how hard these motherfuckers are going to hit the ground, and yet I find myself depressed. Where is the piling on? The mainstream press, so needy for news, so carnivorous where missing white women are concerned, seem toothless, which makes sense, I guess, because as much as they seem to be blowing the Republicans in power, it's best that their oral cavities be configured for maximum pleasure.

Is it me, or is something very wrong in the shock levels of this country? How can the American people be willing to quietly accept this totally corrupt and incompetent government thrust upon us? Where are the demonstrations? Where are the riots, for that matter? Why aren't the young people of this nation, those who are going to suffer most for what is being done to this country, out in the streets? Is it the Ritalin they've been taking since grade school? Is it flouridated water? Or are they just totally hopeless? Why the complacency?

Frankly, none of this stuff actually affects me directly, so why should I even care? I don't need an abortion, I'm too old to draft, I don't have any kids who might end up in Iraq, or who need an education, and I'm not black, gay, female, or of any other marginalized group. I am actually a net beneficiary of Chimpie's ridiculous tax cut policies. If the people who are going to get hit hardest by a continuation of this insane administration don't give a fuck and can't be troubled to even write a letter, let alone throw their bodies against the wheels of the machine, why the hell should I worry? I'll be dead long before the biggest, baddest chickens come home to roost on the remains of this "civilization." When America, as a direct result of the Chimpie disaster, sinks to second or even third world status, as the separation of rich and poor grows ever greater, as our social institutions fail from neglect and direct sabotage by right-wing idealogues, I'm on the safe side of the divide. Why should I give a fuck about the rest of you?

Well, that's probably what the hoohahs in your Democratic Party are thinking, and that's why they can't seem to make 10 cents out of the lottery winnings they're getting from the Republicans themselves. The only thing more incompetent and enraging than Republican malfeasance is the behavior of the Democrats. They continue to cower under the shadow of Rove and his minions, begging not to be slapped again, promising to be good little butt-boys, handed the ball on the goal line only to run in the opposite direction.

And that's why I'm depressed.


Neil Shakespeare said...

The safe side of the divide, eh? I like that. Any more room over there? Of course I'd have to cross the divide first, and it's pretty damn deep and wide. Agree with you totally on the Democrats. That bunny in the pink tutu is about right.

Anonymous said...

This writer never thought Olaf was a homeless person or refugee or downtrodden in any but a psychological sense. Now he self-identifies as being on the "safe" side of the divide. One wonders why he doesn't therefore buy the whole pie, considering it his birthright to sack, pillage, plunder, and loot this world of all its resources for his own personal profit and prurient pleasure. There is plenty of precedent, from the earliest European contact on. Lynndie England was right to treat sand niggers any way that suited her, if it would win Charles Graner's heart. Is reality TV any different from reality? I forget. You may as well take yours before the next yob does! Pull the wings off that butterfly, the legs off that frog! The last bald eagle? Who cares? Pay the developers to kill them, but make sure native Americans still have to fill out the paperwork to collect cast-off feathers for their "religious" ceremonies...WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT:

FINAL Notice:

If there are any stalwarts reading the comments (presumably a small, small subset of the total Olaf readership), please remember to post a comment on any Olaf post dated Saturday 1 October 2005. Don't stop to quibble over Greenwich Mean Time, and whether your English is good enough to comment (this isn't Proust, or even Tolstoy, let alone Melville). Do it, do it for sure; then go get your flu shot.

Anonymous said...

I bet Olaf has read a good deal of Melville... Larry, are you a hater?