Saturday, February 04, 2006

If It Were a Drinking Game, We'd Be Dead

It drives me absolutely nuts. Every time Chimpie says, "What the American people gotta understand..." or, "What you gotta understand is..." I need a drink, because the idea that this half-wit could explain anything to any thinking person is (a)absurd on its face, (b) impossible since likely he doesn't understand what he purports to explain, (c) exemplary as to how completely disconnected from any constructive criticism he is, and (d) proof that although his daddy bought him an MBA from Harvard, he doesn't know shit about management.

This last point really galls me, because the one big no-no in negotiation or in mediation is that you never, ever claim to be the authority on anything. A leader never, ever demeans his audience by telling them how ignorant they are, assuming only he can explain away their deficit of knowledge. And finally, the idiotic grin he takes on, the way he leans forward, and the thrusting of his hands out in front all belie the self-proclaimed expertise--he is clearly a man out of his depth, desperately (and badly) pretending to be someone he doesn't even know he can never be, and buoyed only by a lifelong safety net of daddy's friends and his own toadying lackeys and powermad fascists like Karl Rove who keep him from smashing badly on the rocks of his own stupendously baseless arrogance.

Even worse, of course, is having to listen to the crack-tongueing acolytes in the press trying to make sense out of his yawping. They should know better, but of course as whores always understand, you don't make the john feel bad about himself, even if he doesn't know where to put his dick.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

More Confidence in Our Election Process If Ohio doesn't scare you, today the Republicans even rigged their own internal election for Majority Leader.
The election was marked by confusion for a time when it appeared that the number of ballots cast exceeded the number of eligible voters by one.

Look to Ohio to Show Us the Way: First in Fascism!

If you aren't scared now, then you're either comatose or rubbing your hands with glee at the coming clampdown. From The Free Press in Columbus, Ohio, a little taste of election "reform" soon to visit your state:
Ohio's GOP-controlled legislature has passed a repressive new law that will gut free elections here and is already surfacing elsewhere around the US. The bill will continue the process of installing the GOP as America's permanent ruling party.

Coming with the swearing in of right-wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, it marks another dark day for what remains of American democracy.

Called HB3, the law now demands discriminatory voter ID, severely cripples the possibility of statewide recounts and actually ends the process of state-based challenges to federal elections---most importantly for president---held within the state.

In other words, the type of legal challenge mounted to the theft of Ohio's electoral votes in the 2004 election will now be all but impossible in the future.
Liberty my ass.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Late Night Study of Interest

Now why does this finding not surprise me? (from a study presented at a Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference last week):
That study found that supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did.
Of course, you know those academics--bunch of commie, minority-lovin', Murka-hatin' elitists.

Hmm, Perhaps the GOP Wife Story Is Fishy

You know, as I think of it, doesn't the ousting of a GOP wife (see previous post immediately below) seem awfully convenient if it occurred after Cindy Sheehan was removed and arrested? After all, Ms. Sheehan was arrested, while Ms. Young was only removed.

Your "balanced" media spinning the news for the regime again?

Proof of 1st Amendment Death: GOP Wife Ousted from SOTU

Oh, man, but this is good. It's not just Cindy Sheehan who gets tossed, but anyone with any kind of writin' on her t-shirt.
Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida chairman of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee was removed from the gallery because she was wearing a T-shirt that read, "Support the Troops Defending Our Freedom."
C.W. Bill Young is a Republican, mind you, so his wife was nice and cozy in the Chimperor's inner circle.
She was sitting about six rows from first lady Laura Bush and asked to leave. She argued with police in the hallway outside the House chamber.
I have to hand it to Ms. Young--she went right to the heart of the problem with the whole damned administration.
"They said I was protesting," she told the St. Petersburg Times. "I said, "Read my shirt, it is not a protest.' They said, 'We consider that a protest.' I said, 'Then you are an idiot.'"
ABC News did not make it clear whether or not this was directed at the president, his wife, advisor Karl Rove, or any other administration shithead.

Wonderful, just wonderful.

"Chimpie, You're Doin' a Helluva Job"--Part Deux

So you hate me because I think that George W. Bush is the greatest fraud, failure, incompetent, and crook in the history of the US presidency? I keep hearing the talking heads on TV repeat that Bush's strength, despite all else, is his war on terror. Well, Bob Geiger analyzes that effort using Homeland Security's own data.

Remember, failure is success, slavery is freedom, and Chimpie is the Great Leader.

The Crushing of Free Speech

First Cindy Sheehan is hauled out of the gallery of Capitol building before the State of the Union bullshit for simply wearing a t-shirt that said "2242 Dead. How Many More?" She did nothing but take her jacket off. You see, in a place that is owned by the American people but ruled by Chimpie, it is now illegal to silently wear a message that contains nothing but a statement of fact and a simple question. It wasn't hostile, didn't call Bush a half-witted sociopath, didn't name Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez and Rice as war criminals, it didn't do anything offensive. But Ms. Sheehan was yanked from the gallery, even though she had a valid ticket, and then detained for four hours.

Meanwhile, Osama and Ayman al-Zawahiri are running loose and al Qaeda gains strength worldwide. Good job boys! You got that Sheehan woman corraled. As we all know, SHE'S the REAL THREAT to the Chimperor.

And now there are stories of the Pentagon brass demanding retraction of a political cartoon. I can't vouch for them yet (I just read it on Americablog) but while they are certainly entitled to their opinion of Tom Toles' cartoon, to call for suppression of unsettling but nevertheless valid observations of Donald Rumsfeld's regard for how the instrument of our military is used are as protected under the 1st Amendment as wearing a t-shirt without obscenity or proscribed incitements in a public place.

Bit by bit, the fascists chew upon the liberties of the people. And the people continue to sleep and dream.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another Step Toward the Totalitarian State

Well, thanks yet again to gutless Democrats who voted for cloture, the Bushits now have their loyal lackey on the Supreme Court. I speak, of course, of the confirmation of Samuel Alito, who is probably at this very moment swearing his allegiance to the person of George W. "Chimpie" Bush in the tradition of Roland Freisler.

Disgusting. Fifty-nine million suckers vote for a half-wit president. Now not even the courts can save us from his delusions.