Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Crushing of Free Speech

First Cindy Sheehan is hauled out of the gallery of Capitol building before the State of the Union bullshit for simply wearing a t-shirt that said "2242 Dead. How Many More?" She did nothing but take her jacket off. You see, in a place that is owned by the American people but ruled by Chimpie, it is now illegal to silently wear a message that contains nothing but a statement of fact and a simple question. It wasn't hostile, didn't call Bush a half-witted sociopath, didn't name Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzalez and Rice as war criminals, it didn't do anything offensive. But Ms. Sheehan was yanked from the gallery, even though she had a valid ticket, and then detained for four hours.

Meanwhile, Osama and Ayman al-Zawahiri are running loose and al Qaeda gains strength worldwide. Good job boys! You got that Sheehan woman corraled. As we all know, SHE'S the REAL THREAT to the Chimperor.

And now there are stories of the Pentagon brass demanding retraction of a political cartoon. I can't vouch for them yet (I just read it on Americablog) but while they are certainly entitled to their opinion of Tom Toles' cartoon, to call for suppression of unsettling but nevertheless valid observations of Donald Rumsfeld's regard for how the instrument of our military is used are as protected under the 1st Amendment as wearing a t-shirt without obscenity or proscribed incitements in a public place.

Bit by bit, the fascists chew upon the liberties of the people. And the people continue to sleep and dream.


Anonymous said...

An AP report states that the wife of Republican C.W. Bill Young of Florida, chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee also wore a tee shirt to the State of the Union speech. When police spotted her, sitting six rows from Laura Bush, displaying the tee shirt message "Support the Troops--Defending Our Freedom," she was confronted, labeled a "protestor," and ejected. Is this anything more than cynical political cover to justify ejecting Cindy Sheehan?

Olaf said...

Yeah, it does seem like a phony-baloney incident, as if knowing that Ms Sheehan had a ticket to the gallery, they even planted Ms. Young with that t-shirt as cover. However, I'm trying very hard not to be too cynical or paranoid, but then, well, there's plenty of reason to be cynical and paranoid. Still, you've got to love that "You're an idiot," comment from Ms. Young.