Monday, August 08, 2005

Laziest Son of a Bitch in America

They can call it the "Western White House" or the Crawford Compound of Criminality for all I care, but this "chief executive" known as Chimpie who we have had thrust upon us wouldn't last one day in any reputable company on the planet. Not only is he incompetent, uncaring, a liar, and potentially a war criminal, he's a giant fucking goof-off, and he makes no bones about it. Julie Mason of the Houston Chronicle has a nice summary of his "hard work" as contrasted with the rest of us working stiffs who pay his salary:
Never a big fan of Washington, Bush much prefers his 1,600-acre ranch, where he can clear brush, toodle around in his truck and ride his mountain bike far from the hassles and scrutiny of the capital.

"I'm looking forward to getting down there and just kind of settling in. I'll be doing a lot of work; on the other hand, I'll also be kind of making sure my Texas roots run deep," Bush said last week.

In all, Bush has made 49 trips to Crawford for a total of about 325 days since he took office.

At this clip, Bush will surpass the vacation record of President Reagan, who tallied up 436 days in his two terms.

A recent poll commissioned by the travel Web site found most Americans get about 12 vacation days a year. The average American, according to the poll, will use all but three of those days.

Bush, according to the poll, takes about as many days off each year as a typical worker in France. The French get 39 days off each year and generally use all but one, the poll said.
So we're paying this fuckup/fuckoff to "toodle around in his truck" and do photo-ops of cutting brush, as if he ever does one goddamned thing he can't nettle his daddy or his ass-sucking allies to do for him. And the White House reporters? Well, they play along like the good little bitches they are, not asking him why he won't meet with Cindy Sheehan, or where Osama bin Laden is, or how we're paying for the war of lies in Iraq, or why the vice president's chief of staff Scooter Libby was meeting with Judith Miller and discussing Valerie Plame.

If Chimpie should fall off his mountain bike again or slash off his kneecap with his chainsaw, we'll know every detail, you can be sure, but Bush doesn't even answer questions when he's allegedly "on the job," let alone when he's in hiding in his version of Haus Wachenfeld in Shitheel, Texas. Don't ask him anything serious, for Christ's sake! He's got to preserve his energy for testimony to the impeachment hearings and the subsequent US and internation criminal courts.

Cut the boy some slack.

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