Sunday, August 14, 2005

Meet One of that 38%

I can't add anything to this. Just go meet Mr. Larry Mattlage.


Actually, I can't help it. After hearing the following oratory from the lips of Mr. Mattlage . . .
Ma’am, who wants to wade through all these people walking around there. What this is a war of porta-potties and the one with the most porta-potties is gonna’ win and you know who that is don’t you. You all got started out going to the bathroom in a five gallon bucket. Now, I see three porta-potties. How many more porta-potties are we going to have to put up with? Now, George Bush has more porta-potties than you all, so if I was a bettin’ man, I’d say he’s gonna win. So let’s don’t make this a little more ridiculous than it is now. Everybody go back a winner. You’ve made your point. I’m proud of you. God bless all of you.
. . . I only want to ask this: Is Chimpie writing his speeches?


Anonymous said...

I introduced a friend in Boston to the Olaf Rotkohl blog, but she said she couldn't keep up with the postings, because Olaf is "so prolific." By way of compensation for the loss of this potential reader/participant, I quit my job, so now I can keep up with the postings and read all the linked stuff. That probably makes me a dumb fuck, especially compared to Larry Mattlage. Letterman and Leno are bound to fight over him, and I fully expect to see a Larry Mattlage Dumb Fuck Reality Series swing into production by about Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Considering their relative facility with language, I think it is more likely Larry will soon be writing for the Smirker.

Neil Shakespeare said...

SUNNIS: If federalism is not included into the new consitution we are going to unleash our insurgent portapotties!

SHIITES: Go ahead! We have more portapotties than you, and George Bush has even MORE portapotties! And the one with the most portapotties wins!

KURDS: Hey! We want out OWN portapotties!

(I know it's sad, Olaf, but this guy is definitely gonna be on Leno & Letterman. Which is what he said he wants, right? All you need is a gun , a pickup, and a case of beer.)

Olaf said...

Hey Neil, don't forget the American flag flying over the beer, gun, and ammo from the pickup bed. That boy's a real 'murikan.

Neil Shakespeare said...

You're right. I forgot the flag and the ammo. So now I'll need a gun, some ammo, a flag, a pick-up truck AND a case of beer. Christ, life is getting complicated. I'll never make a good 'murikan.