Sunday, August 14, 2005

How to Admit Failure Without Actually Admitting Failure

When it comes from the administration bootlickers at the Washington Post, you can take it to the bank. This is incontroverible proof of the unflagging incompetence of the Chimpie administration in the conduct of the so-called war on terror and on the war in Iraq:
The Bush administration is significantly lowering expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq, recognizing that the United States will have to settle for far less progress than originally envisioned during the transition due to end in four months, according to U.S. officials in Washington and Baghdad.

The United States no longer expects to see a model new democracy, a self-supporting oil industry or a society in which the majority of people are free from serious security or economic challenges, U.S. officials say.
So let's add up the "reasons" for going into Iraq:
1. Connection to 9/11--Nope.
2. Connection to Al Qaeda--Nope.
3. Threat of nuclear weapons, "smoking gun in the shape of a mushroom cloud."--Nope
4. Threat of biological weapons.--Nope.
5. Threat of chemical weapons.--Nope.
6. Establish model democracy in Iraq.--Nope.
7. Liberate the people of Iraq from oppression and violence.--Nope.
8. Reestablish Iraq as a primary global oil producer.--Nope.
9. Greeted as liberators.--Nope.
10. Oil from Iraq will pay for cost of war.--Nope.
11. Iraq can be pacified with fewer troops than recommended by General Shinseki.--Nope.
12. "Mission Accomplished" as announced in crotch-enhanced premature ejaculation from Viking jet on carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.--Nope.

Batting .000, Chimpie-boy. You and everyone in your criminal administration had better resign now and turn yourselves over to the Hague for prosecution. Then, and only then, might you be shown a breath of mercy. You god damned motherfuckers.


Neil Shakespeare said...

Buried in the NYT web page (you must follow the "Reach of War" link) is a story called "The Other Army" by Daniel Bergen that documents the 25,000 (yes, 25,000!) mercenaries being funded by billions of YOUR taxpayer dollars, a practice used by this administration to cover up its incompetence and lack of available "regular" troops. This amounts to 16% of military funded personnel on the ground in Iraq. Yes, that 16%!

Anonymous said...

Your list might add how our bright new world for Iraq (a brightness presumably not relying on the regular flow of electricity) will increase opportunities for women. Except that...a recent NPR report stated that Iraqi women are bracing for increased repression under a new government, in contrast to the relative freedom they had under Saddam Hussein, who protected them from the harshest interpreters of Islam. Oops, sounds like another "nope."

Olaf said...

Yes, private armies run amok and oppression of women back in fashion. Chimpie's record of "improvement" is damned near impeccable. Considering the condition he left Texas in, and now Iraq, I can just imagine where we'll be if he stays in office until January 2009.

No, no country deserves that much shit.