Sunday, August 14, 2005

In Case You Wondered Why "Chimpie" Is His Name . . .

Gotta love Steve Benson at the Arizona Republic. If you need a break from all the Iraq war focus, go check out this cartoon and many of his others. Mr. Benson is an interesting character, someone I don't see eye-to-eye with on some things (abortion, for example) but he's pure in spirit and someone whose pro-life means all life, not just blastocysts in a petri dish. Plus, he's damned funny.

1 comment:

Neil Shakespeare said...

Oh God, Olaf! "She's One Of Us" just blew a giant hole in my left testicle. That guy is TOO funny. I've got some friends down in Phoenix who live a couple doors down from Mike Tyson. I'll have to ask 'em about this guy Benson. Thanks for the link.