Monday, August 15, 2005

Something Else to Thank Chimpie For Making Possible

Ah, it just keeps getting better all the time, doesn't it?
Russia and China will hold their first ever joint military exercises this week as the once wary neighbors demonstrate their willingness to cooperate in the face of the U.S. military presence in Central Asia.

The two countries will also do a little business on the side as Russia shops its hardware, including nuclear-capable strategic bombers, to its military-industrial complex's best customer, Russian and Chinese defense analysts said.
I wonder if somehow this isn't the secret agenda of Condi "I'm Competing with Donald Rumsfeld for the Incompetence Championship Belt" Rice. As you know, her expertise (sic) was in Cold War-era Soviet studies. Perhaps the desire is to return us to the time when an entire nation had its thousands of nukes pointed at us and tensions were sky high. Perhaps, given the utter failure of this administration to reduce the threat of terrorism, they hope to swing things back to what they hope they understand. Not that Condi, Donald, Dickie and the gang would do any better. Their desire is power, and everything else is secondary, including the security and sovereignty of this nation.

Plus, the neo-con criminal cabal has another problem.

Terrorism just isn't so scary when you remember the Cuban missile crisis, and maybe the neo-con fuckwads want to get something truly scary before the nation wakes up to the overhyped threat of terrorism.

That's right--overhyped. Go read some history of the era of standing toe-to-toe with the Russkies, to quote Major "King" Kong. The scale of one versus the other is staggeringly different. Terrorism is real, to be sure, and it's scary, but it is containable and with the right policies of policing and international cooperation, it is entirely possible to eradicate all but the most fringe elements that would subscribe to such tactics.

But then if you're not so scared, it makes it tougher to control you with lies and conduct assaults on human rights, privacy, and real security.

That's why I hate what these motherfuckers have done so very, very much. It's the biggest con game in history, folks. So, who's a sucker? Are you?


Neil Shakespeare said...

Perfect analysis.

Olaf said...

The question "cui bono?" leads me to believe that the construction of fear is nearly always in the service of power. Interesting that the mainstream media never questions this.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Why would they? The MSM live on fear, hype and sensationalism. They serve their masters, the advertisers. Prime example crawling across the screen right now. CNN has a story entitled "Gas Pains". They dutifully relay the Energy Dept's statement which is (headline on screen): "GET USED TO IT"! GET USED TO IT?!!! Holy Retarded Jesus! No questioning of the Energy Dept statement. No note or question about skyrocketing oil company profits. No questioning WHY we have this crisis. Just these comforting words from the Bush Administration: "GET USED TO IT"! They have abandoned all pretense of journalistic integrity. They don't even need it any more. For in depth coverage they turn to a perky young blonde who tenders the following advice: "Don't run your air-conditioner with the car windows open." Olaf, could you come over here and kill me, please?

Anonymous said...

To Olaf, and, especially, Neil Shakespeare: I don't care if you (Neil) are from the "dramatist and poet" or "fishing rod company" camp, I take great umbrage at the use of the term "(journalistic)perky young blonde." The more precise term, commonly used here in my part of the country, is simply, "news slut." That's a gender-neutral term, and shame on you for not knowing it!

Anonymous said...

I once had a Dodge pick-up with a pretty worn-out steering box. Telling the truth, I sometimes had trouble travelling home after dark without taking out a few roadside crosses along the way. The sheriff in my parish never had a complaint. Why is this a big deal in Texas?

Anonymous said...

Do you, "anonymous," live near New Iberia, you BASTARD! I'm surprised morons like you even have computers! I have some OO buckshot with your name on it! Come driving by ANY evening!

resigned idealist said...

Oh great, Olaf... first off, thank you for the kind words on Americablog.

Secondly gee thanks... that quote has turned my blood cold. I am so suspicious of anything China does (the depegging, the buying up of t-bills, the clamping down of civil rights in H.K.) that this bit of news has just.... yup, there... 5 new gray hairs.

I totally agree terrorism is overhyped and that the true danger is eminating from the Far East. I'm going to have to add you to my list of daily readings now if you're paying attention to this type of stuff.

Thanks for the heads up.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Throgmorton: My sincere apologies. You're right. "News Slut" IS the proper term. I gotta brush up on that gender-neutral stuff. As to the other question: I belong to "The Company of Fishing Rod Poets". All of my poems are about fishing rods. It's a somewhat limited genre.

Olaf said...

Wow! This is a record for comments on my humble little blog. Please tell your friends! I do it only for love, not money. Oh, and also because the Chimpie criminal empire must fall.