Thursday, February 24, 2005

This Proves It--Bush Is Completely Deluded

Is he in the terminal stage of syphilis or something?

Given what we've been doing in Iraq the last two years, and what we're going to do to Iran come summer, our record of torture, false imprisonment, and the brutal attacks on due process at every turn, here is yet another astonishing Bush emission, spoken with a straight face, reported dutifully by the kneepad press, and ignored for analysis by our gutless political observers. From the Associated Press on Bush's Slovakian pas de deux with Pootie-poot:
Another question from a Russian reporter prompted a broad defense from Bush on the way democracy is practiced in the United States. "I'm perfectly comfortable in telling you, our country is one that safeguards human rights and human dignity, and we resolve our disputes in a peaceful way," he said.
Let's see . . . "safeguards human rights"--we have the death penalty, imprisonment without charges, legal representation or judicial review, Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and other camps, a movement to prevent committed couples from legal unions, two presidential elections in which millions of voters were disenfranchised, allies like Saudi Arabia . . . oh sure, he's really lined up with reality.

We "resolve our disputes in a peaceful way"--this works so long as we don't count tens of thousands of dead, maimed, or bereaved Afghan and Iraqi civilians, or the U.S. troops killed and wounded. And, of course, we'll need to ignore the expansion of the Pentagon budget while social programs stagnate, because, as we all know, you have to bloat the defense industry and enlarge the division between rich and poor if you want to pursue peace . . . at least in the history that Bush subscribes to, if any.

I certainly can't dispute that he's "perfectly comfortable telling" us all this, because like any pathological liar, you can usually expect that even when it is unnecessary to twist the truth, the liar's need to feel he can put one over on you will have him embellishing or wholesale fabricating. The poor bastard just can't help it.

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