Friday, February 25, 2005

Don't Take My Word for It, Although Hypocrisy Does Seem to Fit

What do James Dobson, Rev. Donald Wildmon, Paul Weyrich, et. al., have to say about Gannon/Guckert when they're not screeching about Spongebob Squarepants (a true threat to freedom and democracy) or Janet Jackson's right breast (how could God let that happen?)? Well, not much, according to Bill Berkowitz, who, like a real journalist, tried to get to the bottom of the matter through actual investigative work.

It's a great read.


Anonymous said...

nice- sounds quite familiar!

Olaf said...

The funny part is how obvious it all is. The sad part is that they'll stonewall it, counting on our notoriously short memories to erase their hypocritical stance.