Friday, February 25, 2005

Right-Wing Memory Failure . . . (isn't this getting old?) AGAIN

There's no way I can riff on the Christian right-wing hypocrisy of the whole Gannon/Guckert thing when the Rude Pundit does it so intensely and articulately well, but I would like to bring up a little reminder for our reluctant minions of morality on the right.

You know, before 9/11, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft was planning a massive crackdown on pornography. In fact, he was so offended by a Depression-era sculpture in the Department of Justice that he had a blue curtain made to hang over the naked bronze breasts, lest he get a woody during a press conference, I guess--wishful thinking on his part. Anyway, with such uptight attitudes about even the tiniest hint of public sexuality, the fact that Gannon/Guckert was waving his dick and urinating in photographs (see Americablog) that he posted to the web as personal advertisements seems to me to be a true red-meat issue to enable the Christian right to show how strictly it adheres to its alleged moral principles.

Yes, indeed, you do hear the sound of me laughing so hard I nearly asphixiate myself.

Again, Bush and Knobhead fit into their worldview, thanks to the "Christ saved me" Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card that excuses anything in the past. Well, unless you cross them. Then they will fuck you over like Gannon/Guckert mainlining cocaine and Cialis combined.

Question: With Rush Limbaugh now failing in his third marriage, and never having declared that he's "Born Again," plus the OxyContin addiction, how is it they like this guy. I mean, he seems to be denying Jesus, doesn't he?

Oh yeah. I forgot. They're hypocrites.

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