Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Now It's 4:20 All the Time! or Why Bob Marley Was a Visionary

This Spanish study explains a lot:
1. This is news? Hey man, I came up in the 60s, and we knew this, we knew this...what was the question?
2. El Presidente Dipshit is now going to wish he hadn't quit smoking dope. Wait, he'd still be a dipshit. Never mind.
3. Explains the entire right-wing subject position.
4. Oh, if only Ronald Reagan had run with the more degenerate crowd in Hollywood, he would still be with us.
5. Wonderful rhetorical trick now available: "The only reason you don't want it legalized is because you don't smoke it, and your brain is inflamed, thus resulting in your insane position on reefer."
6. No longer need to shy away from question, "Are you high?" Answer: "Hey, man, I'm just exercising my cannabinoid receptors."
7. Of course, the study "is far from an endorsement of marijuana use in preventing Alzheimer's." Whaaa? Oh, I didn't read it that far.
8. Dig this part of the methodology:
After two months, the researchers trained the rats over five days to find a platform hidden underwater.
Why use rats? A couple of phone calls and before you know it, millions would be jumping off piers worldwide.

One of the researchers on the project said,
"Certainly every one of these papers that gives us new possibilities to explore is welcome," he said.
What else can one say, but, Hey, man, no shit.

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