Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Recreation of Consciousness

In my last few years working in software engineering, before I turned to writing and editing and generally doing little to make money for anyone else, I frequently voiced my amazement at how our collective consciousness has been successfully shattered into hostile fragments, turning us against our own best interests. Nobody thinks of himself or herself as a working person anymore. Thanks to a Wall Street media juggernaut that convinced too many of us that we were now "owners" because we had our little IRA or 401K accounts or had a few shares of stock in the companies we worked for, we completely shed our awareness as basic wage earners.

Look--if you can't live off your investments, if you have to go to work every day to get a paycheck, then you are a worker. Middle class, technoclass, bloggers, small business owners, professional class, whatever the hell term you want to use for yourself only masks the brutal yet honorable reality. You are a worker.

Simply making that admission is a huge first step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, Olaf!