Friday, March 04, 2005

Why Canadians Are So Cool

This open letter to proven liar Condoleeza Rice from Lloyd Axworthy just warms the cockles of my dried-up little old heart. Here's a taste:
As our erstwhile Prairie-born and bred (and therefore prudent) finance minister pointed out in presenting his recent budget, we've had eight years of balanced or surplus financial accounts. If we're going to spend money, Mr. Goodale added, it will be on day-care and health programs, and even on more foreign aid and improved defence.

Sure, that doesn't match the gargantuan, multi-billion-dollar deficits that your government blithely runs up fighting a "liberation war" in Iraq, laying out more than half of all weapons expenditures in the world, and giving massive tax breaks to the top one per cent of your population while cutting food programs for poor children.
Interesting that no mainstream "journalist" in the United States can so clearly articulate these points so concisely or so well. I guess it just takes a little distance to get the proper perspective.

I bow humbly and deeply to Mr. Axworthy's wit and good sense. Canadians are the coolest.

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