Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Watching the Snow Come Down, and Bush Is a Getting Away with Lying Again

Can someone out there who has been to journalism school explain to me why the top tier TV and print reporters can't do a simple Google or Lexis/Nexis search to show that George Bush is a liar? I realize that proving he's a shithead and a fascist is more difficult since the definitions for those things aren't empirically verifiable, but lying sometimes is, as when Barbara Boxer shoved Condi Rice's nose in the stinking pile of her own incompetence and dissembling. Bush is so comfortable in his bubble now that he seems to be almost challenging the press to call him on his lies, which, of course, they are afraid to do if they happen to enjoy any remunerative or social benefit from their positions.

Here, you chickenshit "journalists": from Bush on March 4,
"See, personal accounts is an add-on to that which the government is going to pay you," he said. "It doesn't replace the Social Security system."
Now try to hold that statement in your brains simultaneously with this from the Washington Post on 1 January 2005:
Republicans inside and outside the White House said Bush plans to ask Congress to allow younger Americans to put at least one-third of the 6.2 percent payroll tax into private accounts, which will offer a set number of investment options similar to the thrift savings plans provided to federal workers.
Is diverting a third of the payroll tax into Wall Street a fucking add-on? He lied. Was that so hard?

For America's sake, do your damned jobs.


Anonymous said...

Isn't part of the reason for Soc. Sec. in the first place to secure us against an economic fallout? Wouldn't these damn personal fuck-sticks simply help ensure that all our eggs are in the same basket. Inevitably, Bush will have no qualms with saying, "Support big business or starve!"

Olaf said...

I can only think that the reason for this, attack on Social Security is the further enslavement of the American worker to the god of the corporate empire. Actually, that would be my charitable assessment. I think that they're truly nasty bastards that want to make absolutely sure their citadel of wealth and privilege is totally impenetrable by keeping the rest of the population as poor and as obedient to their money as possible.

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