Friday, March 04, 2005

Dildos as Political Weapons

Read Mark Morford's column on the Alabama ban on sex toys, because, as he points out, it isn't just about sex toys but rather an entire attitude toward human experience that is reflective of the madness of this administration's core values. They and their sex-terrified minions will plunge us into our own private Dark Age.


Anonymous said...

Does Gannon/Guckert count as sex toy? Afterall homosexuals aren't human...right?

Olaf said...

Is this a baiting attempt? Poorly aimed, I'm afraid. People are people, and sexual orientation is really nobody's business--I mean, so long as adults are involved, who cares what equipment someone likes to play with?
As for GanGuck, he's likely the favorite sex toy of someone in the White House, and I could care less; however, the credentialing business and national security angle makes it very curious--is someone compromising the safety of the President of the United States as a favor to his sex toy? I'm sure the FBI and Secret Service aren't happy to have their screening and protection abilities muddied this way.