Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So, How Do You Like Your Government in Your Pants (or Up Your Skirt)?

Well, the Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to the 1998 Alabama ruling that bans sex toys, so dildoes, vibrators, ticklers, probes, "sailor's friends," and so on go onto the black market. Oh, but Viagra and Cialis are still okay. Well, at least the ruling seems to support continued patriarchy.
Which brings me to the fundamental argument for legal abortion, which does tie into this madness regarding sex toys--where does the government's jurisdiction end? Do we own our genitalia, or don't we? I find it most disturbing that right-wingers think that we should have any governmental intrusion into our private parts and how we share them with other consenting adults.

I don't know about you, but I don't want government in my pants, regardless of its ideology. Besides, it's very gassy in there, so how sick do these perverts have to be to want to have such access?

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