Monday, March 21, 2005

So When She Says She's a Good Girl . . .

Here's what is either a slap in the face to right-wing sex haters, or, since they may be cleverer than we thought, a reason to actually support abstinence education. According to a study of 12,000 teenagers,
The conclusion -- even though they are not engaging in intercourse, many are having oral and even anal sex as a substitute.
And that's not all, cowboys and cowgirls:
Those who pledged to remain virgins were six times more likely to have had oral sex than those who did not take any type of pledge but retained their virginity. They were also careless in using condoms for their first sexual experiences.
So, if you date a virgin, particularly one who has taken a vow of abstinence, you are six times more likely to bet a blowjob.

No odds given on the possibility of ass-fucking, however. Stay tuned.

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