Thursday, March 24, 2005

If Republicans Want to Save Their True Party...

Not that any Republican will listen to me...but here goes. (I did shake Barry Goldwater's hand once, though. Even in his eighties, the guy had a powerful grip and even made a damned funny joke about 1964).

1. Tell the Falwell/Robertson/Dobson Christian fundie theocrat fascists to start their own party; hell, call it The Party of God, if they like. Have them take Frist, DeLay, Man-on-Dog Santorum, the Bushits, Allan Keyes, and Gary Bauer with them as their divinely appointed leadership.

2. Revisit your principles of limited government, environmental conservation, and civil rights.

3. Reenter the mainstream of politics.

If this doesn't happen, the Republican Party will be in splinters within two years.

One can only hope.

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