Sunday, March 20, 2005

Should a Bugman Determine If You Should Live or Die?

Tom DeLay occupies an interesting niche in the evolutionary chain. A former bug controller in Texas, he also serves as a the giant flying cockroach of the Republican Party, able to ooze into the most disgusting cracks in the body politic to find nourishment and protection. And so it is that he is now claiming to know the condition and desires of a woman, Terri Schiavo, whom he's never met and whose medical insurance he would surely cut if it could further fatten the wallet of one of his corporate donors. But this is precisely the creepy, dark, smelly place a guy like DeLay would run to when the boot of justice is about to squash his rotten, pus-filled carapace for massive and continuing abuse of campaign finance laws, degrading the power of his office, and the meataxe redistricting of Texas, among other things.

DeLay's desire to regulate what is primarily a family matter, and then a state issue if disputes arrive within a family, as in this case, reveals how far into your life these insincere extremists want to reach if it serves their political purposes--in this case, cover for DeLay who is going down fast. Considering all the suffering that goes on in this country, and particularly the suffering that occurs because neither party has the balls to advocate for national health care (Dennis Kucinich excepted), it is the most cynical and baldfaced grandstanding imaginable for George Bush, Tom DeLay, and Bill Frist to suddently take an acute interest in a brain-damaged woman in Florida, whose life is not being ended willy-nilly, but because of her husband guardian's declaration of her own wishes, adjudicated in his favor after seven years of struggle in the Florida courts.

It's frightening, the extent to which these extremists want to control the inside of a woman's body, whose equipment you play with during sex, and ultimately to have the power to make you suffer as long as they can by denying death, which, by the way, they seem to have no problem dishing out on a wholesale basis so long as you are non-white or non-American.

I have great faith that this hubris on DeLay's part will make his crushing into tobacco-stained roach pulp all the more pleasurable to watch. I do hope it's slow, too, with no one available to pull the plug on his humiliation.

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