Friday, March 25, 2005

George and Jeb: Quaking Little Boys

What I don't get is why Jeb and Georgie haven't called their mommy in to rescue Terri Schiavo. Now that they realize how politically stupid this whole episode has been, and that a majority of Americans, even evangelicals, recognize it, they've disappeared. Jeb cancels a Good Friday appearance, and George . . . well, come on, from his failure to fulfill his service to his country even as an Air National Guard member to his facing only fully vetted and bootlicking crowds at public events, he's proven to be a coward on every level. When he showed up in Jeb's Florida with mommy Barb trying to keep aloft the lead balloon of Social Security privatization and destruction, it seemed that the timing and placement were perfect for her to save her boys.

But I'm getting off topic. Sorry. I think Pat Buchanan is right, you know. I think that Jeb and George should both don crotch-enhancing flight suits and descend from a Blackhawk helicopter into the hospice where Ms. Schiavo lay, shoot a few staff, and then winch her up to the chopper and fly her to the governor's mansion for reinsertion of the feeding tube. That would really, really cement that 17 percent of the electorate that thinks the world was created 6000 years ago and that Georgie is Jesus' own handpicked chief executive.

But if they're too chickenshit to do it themselves, that Barb is one tough cookie. I bet she could do it.

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