Sunday, March 20, 2005

Bushit Culture: Lie, Lie, Lie

Bushit diehards, of course, will rationalize this business of lying to allies or just ignore it altogether. Of course, the Washington Post is too genteel to actually call lying lying; they prefer "misleading." However, what do you call what is described here?
The Bush administration's approach, intended to isolate North Korea, instead left allies increasingly doubtful as they began to learn that the briefings omitted essential details about the transaction, U.S. officials and foreign diplomats said in interviews.
Got that? "Omitted essential details." Do you know what happens to you if you testify under oath in a court of law and "omit essential details"? Of course, the Bushits won't acknowledge their "misleading," but they do recognize the need to do damage control, so top liar in the State Department, Dr. Condi Rice, is on the case.
In an effort to repair the damage, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is traveling through East Asia this weekend trying to get the six-nation talks back on track.
Translation: In order to threaten, cajole, or orchestrate an elaborate cover-up, or, if required, blame it on the Clinton administration Rice will be pulling on her go-go boots and dancing on the conference table as fast as she can.

As to the WaPo report, if you don't already think they're a bunch of bootlickers for the Bushits, note the way they characterize what to you or me would be a pattern of lies:
The new details follow a string of controversies concerning the Bush administration's use of intelligence on weapons of mass destruction.
"String of controversies." Gee, is it controversial that were were no WMDs in Iraq? There's no controversy--it's a fucking fact. Is there a controversy about Iraqi connections to Al Qaeda? Again, outside of Dick Cheney's diseased consciousness, there is no controversy about the absence of such connections. Iraq connection to 9/11? Again, not controversial. Have we been greeted as liberators? Is Iraq now a stable nation? Was the "Mission Accomplished" when Bush made his premature ejaculatory leap from the cockpit of the Viking aircraft on the deck of the USS Lincoln almost two goddamned years ago? Is Iraqi oil revenue paying for reconstruction? Do private accounts fix solvency in Social Security? Do Republicans believe in states' rights and small government? Balanced budgets? Democracy in the Middle East? Is that a string of controversies, or a pattern of cold, calculated gulling of the 59 million suckers who voted for this mafia?

Liars! And the Washington Post aids and abets lies that result in death and destruction. What a sickening state of our nation.

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