Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What Should Be Front Page and Featured in Prime Time

Wouldn't it be nice if the pretty girls and boys on TV news or the uglier but no less irresponsible print pluggers could pry their wits off of the "Missing White Woman" story or the "Man Licks Custard off Missing Finger" story long enough to read the following paragraph published in Britain:
A damning minute leaked to a Sunday newspaper reveals that in July 2002, a few weeks after meeting George Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Mr Blair summoned his closest aides for what amounted to a council of war. The minute reveals the head of British intelligence reported that President Bush had firmly made up his mind to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein, adding that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy".
The last sentence in particular is worthy of at least a $50 million-dollar Ken Starr-style special prosecutor. "Intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy," to justify an illegal war by selling the twisted information to the public through a kneepad press corps lining up to give an appointed president a rim job in the few instances when he deigned to show his ass to them. Yeah, Clinton's Whitewater thing and the blowjob really trump these sorts of shenanigans.

I'm so disgusted. I just hope Judith Miller of the New York Times and the others who pimped for the murder of so many innocents on all sides of this mess do the honorable thing, but of course, they're beyond honor, dignity, or truth. The First Amendment guarantees a free press, all right, but the provision of a free press lies in the hands of journalists, their editors, and apparently primarily under the thumb of their corporate overlords at GE, Disney, Viacom, et. al. The business of America is always just business, folks, and you're nothing but equipment for the death factory.

Enjoy yourselves.

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