Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Berlusconi, Blair, Bush: Yoked Together in Lies, and Soon in Disgrace

According to AFP news, Italian prime minister and Bush bud Silvio Berlusconi intervened to tone down Italy's military intelligence report on the shooting of freed hostage Giuliana Sgrena and the killing of agent Nicola Calipari by American troops.
Rome daily Il Messaggero reported "The head of government asks for changes", while the opposition-supporting La Repubblica claimed "Berlusconi imposes prudence".

"The report must be technical, only technical," it quoted Mr Berlusconi as saying, without giving any source.

"It can even be tough, but it must not in any event prejudice to the slightest degree political understanding with the United States."
Silvio has learned his lesson well--do not fuck with the political thugs who rule the United States. Learn from them on how to shape investigation reports, how to cow the intelligence services for political ends, how to lie to your nation to preserve your own power. But that cat, as the old saw goes, is out of the bag.

In Britain, Tony Blair is finding that his lies and secret plans are now catching up to him.
Mr Blair was challenged on whether he had seen Foreign Office legal advice in a BBC interview with Jeremy Paxman on 20 April. He replied: "No, I had the Attorney General's advice to guide me." In fact, Mr Blair had seen the Foreign Office advice as early as 8 March 2002, in an annex to a secret Cabinet Office "options paper". That annex is published in The Independent on Sunday for the first time today.
Another cat slips from the burlap and yowls.

Will Berlusconi and Blair be evicted from office on these revelations? I wish I could predict that they would, that they would be dragged out of their chambers in shame and recorded in history as conmen and liars and traitors to their citizens, but I'm just a schmuck with a blog. However, wishes do come true sometimes. And as the light is shone into the corners of Italian and British government, revealing subversion of truth and the public will, and as it burns away the veneer that has covered up so much deceit about Iraq, perhaps as I type this, George W. Bush is cowering in his White House bedroom, praying to his twisted notion of God that the cleansing will stop on the far side of the Atlantic, that his allies in the media will not ask any of those mean questions, that his wife can tell some more ribald jokes to distract the public from the ugly truth of his misrule, that his daddy's pals will once again pull his ass out of the fire. He prays, he cries, he begins to shake as he realizes that his arrogance has dragged him over a sharp edge into infamy as the worst president in U.S. history, as a war criminal, as a betrayer of the American people, even beyond what they might have deserved for having been suckered in by the phony shitkicking demeanor and terrorized by the expanding control of his corrupt enforcement apparatus.

But the dam has cracked, Georgie-boy, you smirking little shit. Even the lickspittle Washington Post has opened a shutter on your darkness, giving light and space for an opinion that will only grow and strip from you the pretense and disdain and arrogance. In the spreading light will be revealed a pathetic little man who should have stuck with his dream of becoming baseball commissioner rather than the black stain he is now become upon the history of our nation.

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