Saturday, May 07, 2005

Does George W. Bush Know He's Going to Hell?

If George W. Bush is, as he claims, a born-again Christian, then for knowingly lying and repeatedly doing so, for signing death warrants, for waging war, for inflicting suffering on the poor, opening the environment even more widely to corporate rape, and on and on (the list is truly breathtaking), he must know that he's going to Hell. I mean, how many times does Christ have to continue to forgive someone, particularly one with such power to do good who instead knowingly chooses to do ill?

Of course, maybe George doesn't really believe in that stuff. It has been politically beneficial--brilliantly so--for him to claim he does, because Karl Rove understood the weight of a single unified block of anti-science, homophobic, speaking-in-tongues Americans was frighteningly large. But if Bush doesn't really believe he's going to Hell, then that means he's just punked the largest part of his constituency.

Either way, this life or the next, Bush ought to be damned.

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