Friday, May 06, 2005

The Thuggery of Bush, the Gutlessness of Kerry; Yes, America is a Land of Choices

Here's why John Kerry lost (if indeed he did) the election last November: he and the other Democratic National Committee dopes as well as the dense Democratic Leadership Council have tin ears. Remember when Kerry caved on the issue of gay marriage but said he was for civil unions? Well now he thinks that even in Massachusetts it's bad policy. From the Boston Globe:
"I'm opposed to it being in a platform. I think it's a mistake," Kerry said shortly after hosting a forum on his universal children's healthcare bill in Baton Rouge. ''I think it's the wrong thing, and I'm not sure it reflects the broad view of the Democratic Party in our state."
When in God's name will these assholes (and I mean that affectionately) realize that marriage is a civil institution, and that if two people of the same gender, or any degree between genders, or any extreme beyond genders, for that matter, want to wed and they are consenting adults to the union, then the state should give them their fucking license and let them comingle assets, share childrearing responsibilities, etc. And if it was presented to the "broad view of the Democratic Party" in that way, I am certain that it would receive broad support. But so scared is the mainstream Democratic elite of what they perceive to be overarching backwardness of mainstream America that they cannot embrace true liberal values and seek to expand freedom and equality. That's right, equality. Having a separate civil institution for the joining of households is bigotry, period.

Not only that, and this is something fiscal conservatives should like, having to craft separate laws, separate regulations, separate forms and so on is inefficient. Marriage is already defined. Use it as it is, extended to all. No bureaucratic folderol, no clerical confusion at city hall. Fifteen bucks, a couple of signatures, a blood test (do they still require those?) and off to the justice of the peace or the nearest ship to take advantage of the captain's vested powers.

But such an idea is too scary for Kerry, even after self-loathing gay whore Jeff Gannon/James Guckert wrote for Talon "News" that Kerry'd be the first gay president if elected. That's why the homophobe bigots get to keep stomping him. Even if he gets fragged in the cultural war, he's hiding instead of driving for the enemy with mayhem on his mind.

What happened to you since Vietnam, John?

Democrats, Republicans...wimps or crooks, take your pick.


Anonymous said...

Full marks for the affectionate asshole aside. I snorted.

Olaf said...

Thank you. My goodness, I have a reader! Thank you!

Puck free said...

well two now. kerry only won the Iowa primary with Rove's guidance, and as we know, Iowa was the turning point. Bush chose his opponent with kerry's promise to lose, while making it look like a contest. kerry feeds from the same sewer bush does. they are after all, the bones brothers. How can you choose which one is worse? i can't.

Olaf said...

Kerry may have taken a dive, yes, but I never rule out incompetence. Probably a kismet-like combination of the two. I'll give you this, though--it sure didn't look like Kerry wanted to win.