Saturday, February 03, 2007

He's Lucky Nobody Punched Him in the Face

This didn't make me laugh because it took over 3000 American lives to reach the middle of America, but Bush ought to be getting a good feel for what "his people" think of him and his incompetent, corrupt regime. Never mind the rest of us. Of a Bush "surprise" visit to a diner in Illinois this week, we have the following:
In Peoria this week, many patrons found their pancakes more interesting. Except for the click of news cameras and the clang of a dish from the kitchen, the quiet was deafening.

“Sorry to interrupt you,” Bush said to a group of women, who were sitting in a booth with their young kids. “How’s the service?” As Bush signed a few autographs and shook hands, a man sitting at the counter lit a cigarette and asked for more coffee. Another woman, eyeing Bush and his entourage, sighed heavily and went back to her paper. She was reading the obituaries. “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast,” a White House aide told her. “No problem,” she huffed, in a not-so-friendly way. “Life goes on, I guess.”
What if the cameras and secret service hadn't been around? Do you think anything has penetrated that thick skull yet? Maybe impeachment isn't so far away after all, if even in Peoria--Peoria!--it's all anyone can do to simply feign politeness.

Toast, toastie, toasted.


Anonymous said...

Peoria is a sort on "armpit" of Illinois. I think if political ennui has reached the Peorians, then there may be hope for the rest of the country...


Anonymous said...

AN armpit, not ON armpit.

Anonymous said...

Not well known, but Bush's appearance in Peoria was in support of a movement there to secede from Illinois and be annexed by Texas.

Anonymous said...

well i looked online to find stuff to prove how traditionally red Peoria is, but my results were surprising.

While Peoria's congressional district is represented by GOP Ray LaHood, who came to office in the GOP-sweeping 1994 election, and that district voted almost 58% for Bush in 2004, the district covers alot of ground including such cities as Decatur, Jacksonville, and much of the conservative capitol Springfield.

looking at the results for just Peoria county, I was surprised to see Kerry win in 2004 (by a solid 70 votes!) and Gore before him, by almost 200 votes.

I've always thought of it as an armpit, but that wikipedia article may be right... it could just be the absolute middle of middle-america.

Anonymous said...

keep dreaming! maybe someday you will wake up to your perfect world....not sure what that is...where will all of your hate go?

Olaf said...

Here again we have the strawman, in two forms, plus the non-sequitor. First of all, we do not claim to have sole understanding of what would make a perfect world, nor do we preach that. We seek only a better world. So that point of your accusation is false on its face. Perhaps you should go talk to Christians and Muslims who lay claim to knowledge of paradise and ask them what they'll do with their hate when they ascend to heaven.

Secondly, you ascribe hate to me, but I'd be curious how many instances of explicit hate you can find on this blog (there are over 450 entries, so be my guest). I don't have the time or energy to really hate anyone, whereas the outrageous lies, actions, and astonishing incompetence of these current fools in power certainly piques my outrage, which is very different.

There are many, many books on elementary rhetoric and argumentative structure at your local library, I am sure. And the web has quite a few resources as well. It would do your presentation of views some good to use them.

Ninja Chef said...

Peyton Manning will erode the Bears defense just as General George has eroded our civil liberties.