Oh, if only this were a fact of the landscape. Think how quickly the regime would shape up if confronted with thousands of these images in every city in the nation. One cannot help but wonder, what is the power of Olaf?
I hope someone sees the self-referential irony in this graffito-neato. Ain't I postmodern?
If you're so damn smart, where the hell are we gonna end up in a few years? This looks like a quagmire that isn't making any ground either way. Send troops. Don't send troops. What's the breaking point here?
Dude, you're like totally po-mo!
I ain't no psychic, but my guess is that we'll end up on a hot planet in a state of constant warfare, and the strategic marker of victory will be whoever is left to climb to the top of the rubble pile.
"We won...I guess."
Oh, and first Anon poster, what about that declaration on the wall didn't you understand? Why are you asking me anything? What do YOU think? That's what matters, y'know.
Hi CB! It's snowing!
Speaking of "respect[ing] and obey[ing] arrogant fools," have you seen the documentary Jesus Camp? Go rent it tonight. Incidentally, Anon, this film might give you an idea of where the country will be in a few years... Scary.
Fine. We'll just all fucking die. We suck. We're as bad an experiment as the dinosaurs. Lovelace was right. Gaia. Adios fuckers!
Are you completely DELUSIONAL, or just off your meds? I have not seen the entire documentary, but I have seen several clips of it. Do you honestly think that these ‘radical’ Christians are taking over the United States? Get a grip. If you want to see a scary scene of what our country may turn into, visit your local mosque. The UK, France, and Spain are pretty much already too far gone to save. It will only be a matter of time before muslims will be here in force too. You know, they are the ones BEHEADING people, and flying planes into buildings. You know, the same ones causing conflict all over the globe. It is truly sad when people can’t see the forest for the trees. Take off the foil hat and back away from the Kool-Aid!
Muslim extremists, Christian extremists, Hindu extremists, dialectical material extremists (okay, maybe not them), and so on--a pox on all their fucking houses.
And yes, Anon (one of you, anyway) we ARE all going to die, with or without terrorists, Bush, bin Laden, Jerry Falwell, etc. It's called biology. People fighting over what happens to the nonexistent immortal soul is the most idiotic thing I can imagine. Arguing about it, sure, but inflicting violence over such fantasies--childish.
And yes, we do suck. 5000 years of so-called civilization and we're still murdering one another more callously than ever. We are barely more, historically speaking, than the microbes on a pus nodule oozing from the scab of a sea otter.
Be humble.
thanks Olaf for recognizing the wisdom in anon's post. It was transcendant and profound.
(although I might argue the dinosaurs were an AWESOME experiment and we'd be lucky to be so admired hundreds of millions of years from now... frankly i doubt it.
But, we're awefully proud of ourselves...)
(disclaimer: ironic all-caps comment not intended as an actual threat.)
WHOA! Anonymous! Do I know you? Or is insulting random people a habit of yours?
I'm with the other posters here who say ANY radical religious movement is scary... You must not have seen the part with the little 9-year old Jesus freaks dancing around in war paint and vowing to die for their religion. Really, what's the difference?
You may also have missed the leaders of the Evangelical movement speaking in support of the documentary. They seem to feel it's a pretty accurate representation.
In any case, Anon, it's not ME who needs to step away from the kool-aid. And YOU might take Olaf's advice and get humble.
lol, you crack me up. Oh you are with the other posters that any religious radical movement is dangerous huh? Funny you didn’t mention that in your first comment. You stated that the documentary you watched could be the U.S.’s future which is completely absurd. It’s funny how you and other posters here continuously single out the “Jesus Freaks”. And I actually agree that ANY radical behavior (religious or otherwise) does not support a healthy society. The point I was making, but obviously fell upon deaf ears, is that looking at the world today ONE form of radical faction stands out, and that is radical islam. There have been over 7,000 acts of terror committed world-wide by these barbarians SINCE 9/11. So yes, back off the Kool-Aid, and open your eyes.
And no, I didn’t see the 9-year olds willing to die for their religion, but I have a pretty good feeling that while doing so, their aim was not to take out as many non-believers with them. Was that a part of the film? I didn’t think so. Huge difference there don’t you think. Hey if some morons want to commit mass suicide in the name of their God, great. I call that natural selection! But, when they want to take me out with them, and openly say it, that’s where I must stand up and realize there is a problem. If you are too blinded by facts, then I guess that is your problem.
And as far as the humble comment, OMG that is funny coming from you self-righteous bunch of windbags. How many times have you fellas claimed to be smarter than everyone? But, hypocrisy never has been a problem for the left.
Oh and btw Olaf, where that post on the whole Sandy Berger fiasco. Stealing and destroying documents from the National Archives doesn’t make your radar? Or is only one side of the aisle guilty of your blog’s mission statement? Just curious.
Sandy Berger? Jesus H. Christ, can't you come up with something more recent? I never condoned what he did--I don't think governments should have any secrets from their people, quite frankly. As far as attacking only one side of the aisle, you ought to search my posts for my feelings about the Democratic Party, their leaders, and the near-wholesale cowardice they have exhibited in the name of expediency.
I have never claimed to be smarter than anyone--other people keep accusing me of it, so if I don't argue, should I be condemned? At least I don't take myself so seriously (review photo for ironic, po-mo, self-referential, multidirectional putdown).
I must say, Anon, that you seem very angry that we don't rank Muslim extremists as worse than Christian extremists, but indulgence of one group of nutty fantasists legitimizes the others, and history shows that holy war is not a monopoly held by Islam. I'm suspicious of all people who legitimize destruction on the basis of invisible cloud beings and ascensions to heaven. Sorry.
For someone who is an atheist, you sure do mention Jesus and God a lot. Was that supposed to offend me? Think of it this way, there are some people who believe what they want to believe in because it gives them strength. Somewhat like a therapist does for you. I'm am trying to put it in liberal terms so you can understand. People "feel" that they need a higher power in their lives. Whether you agree with this or not, is not really of my concern. There are several people on this rock that use their "religion" for good. You know helping your fellow man, just like you libs preach. I personally think all organized religion is corrupt, but i do believe in the overall goodness of people. Even you. Obviously, you have missed the point again. That there is an inherent danger in the events folding out in the world today. Someone as intelligent as you, I would have thought to recognize. It is truly sad that if you would have even once considered facts over your blind hate of leadership, you would find an ideological suppression on the horizon. That which you defend is about to kick your children's and your grand-children's lives. If we continue on the same path.
I really hope I'm wrong.
Jiminy Cricket! Colloquial expressions in my writing do not belie some latent religious tendency, and I'm not trying to offend you, Anon.
As to the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, it is certainly on my radar; however, it does not grow in isolation, but feeds on many variable conditions, among which is a long-term exploitation by foreign powers which in turn creates a material and spiritual impoverishment. Such vacuums are easily filled with ideological and religious hoo-hah. And to show that I'm not picking on religions only, but all totalizing ideologies, I'd lump many populist political movements into that mix--Peronism, most communist movements, fascism, etc. Religion is a better sell because it squirms out from under a rational examination by virtue of its claims on supra-rational origins and existence.
We cannot stop acts of terror in and of themselves without understanding the linkages that created them in the first place. People with jobs and families and a belief in a better future do not blow themselves up and are reluctant to blow others up unless threatened. The biggest lie in this debate is to claim that there is not a reason other than pure hatred for who we are that motivates these people. While many terrorists are acting out of a blind hatred fed by ignorance and bigotry, the idea to target us was developed in a rational way as a means toward an end.
You might want to rail at a bomb that it hates you--I'd prefer to figure out how it works and then disarm it.
Olaf said: You might want to rail at a bomb that it hates you--I'd prefer to figure out how it works and then disarm it.
My point EXACTLY!! Eureka!! Why don’t you then practice what you preach and do some research on the Quran, Haddith, and Sura. See what these people are raised upon. It does not matter what the U.S., or any other country does. Hate is what they are fed from a very early age. And it is all written for all to see, but as a society we have become too culturally sensitive to ask hard questions. Mohamed for example, their exalted founder, married a 6 year old when he was over 50, and consummated the marriage when she was 9. I understand that 1400 years ago this was probably somewhat acceptable, but every muslim I have ever talked to, vehemently defends this. Why would a sane person not question these ridiculous behaviors in our so called ‘civilized’ modern world? Simply, because they don’t know any better. They were brainwashed at an early age with this cult, and it is the fastest growing religion on the face of the planet. At some point, (already becoming a reality in Europe) demographics will take over. Look up Sharia Law on wikipedia and tell me what you think. Look at the way non-muslims are treated. Look at the way women are treated. Several clerics have openly announced that they have successfully raised an ideological generation that loves death as our enemies love life. Now THAT is scary, when considering nations will sell any technology to these idiots. They don’t fucking care about our culture. Their goal is simple; dominate the earth for the sake of allah.
Olaf, I say give it up. You can't argue with a brainwashed idiot like this. Oh, I'm sorry Anon. Isn't it great how baseless personal attacks shut down discourse?
Hey mr. x,
Your rapier wit is astonishing. Please tell me how I shut down discourse? Seems that Mr. Olaf responded to my comments, and we actually agree on some points. It appears to me that you offer nothing to the discussion.
I'm well aware of the dangers of Islamic fanaticism and the whole infrastructure that supports it. But you're not going deep enough! We have to ask, why would any rational person believe such nonsense, or the equally ridiculous notions in Leviticus in the bible, or countless other examples in other "holy" books. That's the structure that has to be understood--NOT the beliefs of these people, although it may be useful at some level. We have to find out why anyone would be vulnerable to such ideas. That's what needs to be fixed.
What is necessary is a total subversion and destabilization of the circumstances that permit the promulgation of such insane ideas. That's one thing to be said for atheism--without some afterlife to aspire toward, we atheists have to deal with the only life that exists--the one here and now and on this planet. Then, and only then, can such mumbu-jumbo, children of Abraham crapola be used to cause people to want death.
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