Monday, January 02, 2006

The New Slogan for 2006

Happy New Year to all of you!

This is the year to Rise Up.

This is the slogan of the year: Rise Up!

Here is reason # 1 to rise up:
The same report, by the Institute for Policy Studies, a left-leaning research center, and United for a Fair Economy, a group seeking to narrow the gap between rich and poor, found that in 2004 the ratio of C.E.O. pay to worker pay at large companies had ballooned to 431 to 1. If the minimum wage had advanced at the same rate as chief executive compensation since 1990, America's bottom-of-the-barrel working poor would be enjoying salad days, with legal wages at $23.03 an hour instead of $5.15.
Is the work done by minimum wage employees more important or less important than that done by most executive level leadership? Which group, were they to go on strike for two weeks, would paralyze the country more?

Unite, workers! Rise Up!


Anonymous said...

The pay discrepancy would easier to stomach if executives had to serve terms proportional to their income when convicted of any workplace-related crimes. I think Finland apportions fines for speeding that way. [Are they part of 'Old Europe?' -Ed.]

Neil Shakespeare said...

Well, your poll is a little bit shewed there, I think. Executives in leadership positions don't work at all, I don't think. The whole point of our system is to get paid the most to do the least work.