Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Disgusting Spin of Chris Matthews

There is something very fishy about Chris Matthews' support and spin of the Bushits and the Republicans in general. Yesterday, he claimed that the Abramoff scandal "wasn't partisan," which fits nicely into the right-wing spin that is being used to try to defuse this huge bomb of a scandal. The tactic is to make it a Congressional scandal rather than a Republican scandal, which it clearly and exclusively is, at least according to the way Abramoff spread his largesse around. From Bloomberg News on December 21:
Between 2001 and 2004, Abramoff gave more than $127,000 to Republican candidates and committees and nothing to Democrats, federal records show. At the same time, his Indian clients were the only ones among the top 10 tribal donors in the U.S. to donate more money to Republicans than Democrats.
So why would Matthews join in the spin game in the face of hard facts of the dough distribution by now-convicted felon Jack Abramoff, claimed as a "best friend" by Tom "Giant Flying Cockroach" DeLay?

Well, over at Americablog, John Aravosis has stitched together the details of an event planned for an Abramoff-related charity that would have had Matthews as a host. And, surprise! surprise! this charity was as crooked as Abramoff's other endeavors:
In its first four years of operation, the charity has collected nearly $6 million. A gala fundraiser last year at the International Spy Museum at one point attracted the Washington Redskins' owner as its chairman and was to honor the co-founder of America Online.

Records for GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff's Capital Athletic Foundation show that less than 1 percent of its revenue has been spent on sports-related programs for youths, and federal investigators are looking into how large amounts of money were funneled through the nonprofit group to support Abramoff's interests.
Once again, we find the media "watchdogs" aiding and abetting interests that they then claim to objectively report. Shouldn't Matthews have disclosed his connection to Abramoff before passing on opinions (falsely supported) of bipartisan corruption in this scandal?

No, I guess not. If you drink the yellowing spooge from the peckers of lying scum, then you can't be anything different yourself. Understand, of course, that the reason for this tactic is that the Repugs know that they're fucked because Abramoff is going to sing his ass off, and I imagine he has a paper trail to support every contention. So as they have done in the past when faced with irrefutable evidence of their corruption, the Repugs will try to dilute the charge by turning it into "everyone does it," and "business as usual" while at the same time running like hell from any association to anyone indicted. The only thing more certain than Republican corruption is Republican turncoating. "Jack who? Tom who?" And you can bet that Chris Matthews will take his finger out of Chimpie's ass long enough to test the winds and shift accordingly.

And if it is true that this is "business as usual," then the whole stinking thing needs to be taken down, regardless of politics. If any Dems were stupid enough to succumb to this selling out of the American people, I hope they end up rotting in a federal prison right next to DeLay, Hastert, and the rest. Maybe it's time for a true revolution in the political order.


Neil Shakespeare said...

"...yellowing spooge from the peckers of lying scum..." LOL! You couldn't paint it any prettier 'n that.

Olaf said...

Damn! I screwed up. It should have read "...yellowing spooge from the syphlitic, sore-covered peckers of lying scum..."

Thanks for catching that. ;-)