Saturday, January 07, 2006

Fundamental Bush Developmental Disability--No Sense of Irony

When the Germans are shaming your country about its detention camps, maybe it's time to reevaluate the policy, wouldn't you say?
There is widespread skepticism in Germany about the way the United States is fighting its "war on terror," compounded by the recent scandal over the CIA's abduction and detention of German citizen Khaled el-Masri -- later acknowledged to be a mistake.
Oops! Yes, and we're the beacon of liberty around the world. And we don't torture...unless the president says we can even though he signed the McCain bill against cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, but you see, he had his fingers crossed...


Neil Shakespeare said...

Gosh, would that the Germans had been better skeptics back in Hitler's day. And I'm sure, yes, that the irony will be lost on George.

"Irony? We don't do irony any more. Don't have to. We have permanent press! And that's lifted a great burden from the women!

Olaf said...

Aha! Maybe that's why no one in the press corps has ever offered that question--they know that he doesn't understand the term.

We're done for.