Friday, October 28, 2005

The Wet-Ass Hour

For Rove, Libby, Cheney, Chimpie, et alia, the wet-ass hour is going to be extended indefinitely, which is really a brilliant move on Fitzgerald's part. Keeping the tension and uncertainty mixed into the mess at the White House is the best way to torture those lousy motherfuckers. Rove may be happy he's not indicted today, but remaining under investigation can only mean worse rather than better for him.

The indictment of Scooter may be a demonstration to Rove what will happen to him if he does not flip to save his own pasty, bulbous ass. Fitz must have an airtight case on Libby, and he'd going to show Rove's lawyers that the only way to avoid hard prison time is going to be to turn over a bigger fish. That means Chimpie, Cheney, maybe Rumsfeld, and perhaps quite a number of others.

Remember, the rumor mill has been stoked solely by the lawyers and staffers of those under investigation, not from Fitzgerald's staff, so none of it carries any weight at all. When Fitz has his press conference in a couple of hours, I think there are going to be some very, very shocked motherfuckers.

Stay hopeful and stay tuned.

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