Monday, October 31, 2005

Further into the Bunker

Chimpie is retreating further into the labyrinthe, both of his own delusion and ignorance, and of his literal evasion of scrutiny of all that has gone before--an illegal and bungled war, the alienation of our allies, economic weakness, and moral corruption the likes of which I have never seen. His nomination of Samuel Alito is certainly going to lead to a huge fight in the Senate and the press, and will conveniently shunt the indictment and resignation of VP Dick "I'm a Crook" Cheney's chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby on two charges of perjury, two charges of giving false information, and one charge of obstructing justice. No big deal, really, since these crimes carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in a "pound me in the ass" federal penitentiary.

These fools don't even try to be subtle or tricky any longer with these "Hey! Look! Over here!" distraction strategies. And the complicit kneepad mainstream media collectively scuttle over with beaks open waiting for the White House to feed them their talking points. If you want to understand how the press in this country operates, just watch chickens for a few days. I keep a small flock, and while I hate to denigrate these noble birds by using them as an example of Pavlovian behavior, in them it is entirely understandable. We feed them and protect them and they give us eggs.

But the media has a responsibility to protect us, yet they think that their care and feeding comes from the halls of power, which they give such sycophantic obeisance to that you'd think they were on the payroll. In a sense, they are, since the corporate masters of NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, the New York Times, and so on are connected ball in socket to the very politicos on whom these intrepid reporters are supposed to be keeping honest. When the powerful in the press and the powerful in politics hold banquets together as a normal part of business, when they marry one another (example, NBC's Andrea Mitchell and Fed Chair Alan Greenspan), when they get nice and familiar and their kids play together, there is not going to be what we need to protect the public interest. In any other business in which one agency monitors another, it would be unthinkable for regulators to socialize with those they inspect, but in Washington D.C., it's the only way to fly.

So, in perfect marching cadence, every media outlet this morning was hyping the food fight to come over Alito's nomination to fill Sandra Day O'Connor's Supreme Court seat, and Scooter Libby literally became yesterday's news.

Just chickens running in the barnyard toward the fellow holding the corncobs.


Anonymous said...

The chickens bark, but the caravan passes by.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Run to the fellow with the corncob sticking out of his ass my be more appropriate. What the hell to do about corporate media, eh? It renders fairness and impartiality obsolete. Swine at the same trough.