Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Tide Has Turned

For those of us who have known for three years that Chimpie's program for invasion of Iraq was a deranged and/or dishonest play for raiding the U.S. Treasury, paralyzing the citizenry by fear, and seizing all power in the name of national security, this is a sweet, sweet moment. At long last, Harry Reid and the Democrats are showing some fucking spine and forcing the Senate into closed session because, as Popeye would have put it, "I've taken all I can stands and I can't stands no more!"

They are going deep into why Scooter Libby has been indicted, why Dick Cheney has continuously lied and been allowed to get away with it, and why hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of lives have been destroyed for a war which is not indefensible on any level. War crimes, war profiteering, and general trafficking in human misery are crimes that deserve hanging, and now the motherfucking bastards are going to get what they deserve.

At last. At last. At long last, we may see that democracy can work in this country.

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