Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How It's Breaking Down for Bush

There is a fault line running through the executive branch of our government right now. On one side is El Presidente Chimperor Chimpie Bush, our incurious and rather dimwitted chief executive. Allied with him are Karl Rove, Karen Hughes, Condoleezza Rice, and the Bush clan. On the other side of the increasingly widening divide is the Cheney cabal, consisting of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Scooter "I"m a-goin to Prison" Libby, new VP chief of staff David Addington and new assistant to the vice president for national security affair John Hannah. Now that Scooter has been indicted and Rover is still under investigation, it looks definite that somebody is going to take a fall, and if Seymour Hersh is right, it's going to get very big and very heavy.

Rove is probably right now telling Chimpie that he'd better be prepared to throw Cheney to the sharks if he wants to survive as president. Hell, that's what Nixon tried to do by letting the prosecution go forward against Spiro Agnew. Distraction is the name of the game. Trouble is, Cheney has far more power that Agnew did and Cheney is no pie-eyed idealist who thinks Chimpie is Our Saviour. In fact, he knows good and well what the Bush clan is capable of, up to and including assassination (remember CIA-chief William Casey's convenient death during Iran-Contra?), so you can bet he has kept a few trunks and suitcases secreted that contain a plan of escape should the Bushits realize that the only way to sever th umbilical cord of corruption between Chimpie and Cheney is to make him the scapegoat for all that twisting of intelligence leading to war. Then a sudden heart attack, elaborate funeral and inflated rhetoric after substantial revelations in the press, and Chimpie scrimps out his last months in the White House, broken, but not destroyed.

You see, if it is suddenly revealed that Cheney was behind the intelligence cooking and that Bush was just a gullible dupe, no one would be surprised, much as when Reagan said he couldn't remember and guns for hostages negotiations or arms for the contra forces in Nicaragua. He was the "amiable dunce" to Bush's irritatingly incurious ignoramus. Since George W. has always been protected by Mommy Barbara and Daddy Bush and their moneyed friends like Prince Bandar (among the Saudis, for example) they've got the will and the resources to really stick it to Cheney if it will pull the prosecutorial bloodhounds off the scent of a panicked Chimperor, up to and including having Cheney essentially take a bullet for team Bush.

But Cheney is a wily insider, with a lot of keys to closets in which skeletons for every major conservative pol are hidden, and he won't hesitate to call in all and any favors he can to salvage his own skin. And he knows that if the stain can be splashed on Bush, he can remain the enigma he's always wanted to be and return to Wyoming fo clip his Halliburton coupons for his remaining days.

The real battle royale will not be between Patrick Fitzgerald and the corrupt scum of the exeuctive branch, but rather betwen the White House and the Naval Observatory. Chimpie and Cheney are scheduled for a steel-caged death match.

It's gonna be great!


Anonymous said...

I had always assumed that Cheney was in charge and is the more powerful player. He's got the bas and he knows which string to pull to get the dance going. Yeah, sure, the powerful Bush cabal, blah blah, but W has proven himself to be irratic and undependable, so even the cabal is wondering which one to bet on.

Don't you think that Cheney would throw Bush under the bus in an instant?

Olaf said...

Oh, you bet. I think Cheney has always viewed Bush as a means through which he could leverage the Bush family evil empire for his own benefit and once he realizes that they have turned against him, he will do everything in his power to make Chimpie the fall guy and himself as just a very patriotic although perhaps overzealous VP.

He'd not only throw Bush under the bus, he'll scrape up the remains and burn them, then throw the ashes into a volcano.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Olaf, any thoughts on the recent news about the Gulf of Tonkin? Guess the NSA faked it. Go figure....

Neil Shakespeare said...

That would be fun to see. If I were Bush I'd go straight for the back of the knees.

Olaf said...

I'd like to think that NSA wasn't responsible for the Gulf of Tonkin, but I have enough familiarity with that realm to know that sometimes mid-level "filters" can shape the data and reports to reflect their own opinions about events.

The tragedy in this is that we need intelligence, and it should be recorded and reported as clean of ideological pollution as possible so that decisions can be made based on what is true, not what one wishes to be true.

But then, I'm a cockeyed idealist.