Sunday, October 23, 2005

Past Presidents Speak

Now here's an indicator that Chimpie's time is at end. I did a little shopping yesterday (for another guitar for the arsenal--yes, I have GAS, or Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, but a very mild case) and when I receive change for the purchase of an accessory item, one of the five dollar bills had a speech balloon coming from Abraham Lincoln's mouth with the words "Impeach Bush." No big deal.

But three days earlier, I had received a dollar bill in change at a grocery store and under "In God We Trust" was written "Bush, We Impeach."

A trend? A call to action? I don't know. But if a third such piece of currency in a higher denomination shows up in the next few days, then I know there's something afoot in this corner of the country at least.

Any similar reports out there?


Neil Shakespeare said...

No, but I'll do a couple of those and see if I can pass 'em off at Tom's Food Pride. A great idea.

Anonymous said...

My Alphabits gave me a message this morning... They spelled out, "Impede Blush." Maybe they can't spell very well, and they really meant, "Impeach Bush." I think I may be on to something, too, Olaf!!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe your breakfast cereal was sending you a message about the crisis in gender roles in our country....

Olaf said...

"Impork Butch"