Friday, July 01, 2005

Why We Fight . . . for Plutocracy!

It's nice to know that the burden of responsibility for financing the republic has shifted so dramatically to the poorer people among us, just like Jesus would have liked. From the New York Times:
The chances of having a large income but not paying taxes on any of it are growing, according to the data, issued in the Internal Revenue Service's annual report to Congress on well-to-do Americans who live tax free. About one in every 436 high-income Americans paid no taxes in 2002, up from one in 531 in 2001 and one in 1,010 in 2000.
Yes, this is what El Presidente Chimpie means when he talks about the "sacrifice" being "worth it." For his class, giving the ultrarich new means to weasel out of taxes while siphoning off the energies of the poor through an illegal and incompetently run war is the perfect sort of sacrifice that he's used to.

But there's one fatal flaw in Chimpie's scheme, and that's that the rich still are a tiny minority, and as the wheels fall off his wagon in the form of exposure of his lies and shameless rhetoric, more and more average Americans in both red and blue states are thinking that he deserves to be stripped of office.
In Red States (those carried by Bush in the 2004 presidential election), support for impeachment reaches 36 per cent. In Blue States (those where Democratic nominee John Kerry won in the last election), 48 per cent of respondents believe the president should face charges.
The 36 percent in the Red states is quite startling to me, because according to the Bush view, those states contain nothing but gun-wielding, god-fearing, gay-hating, war-loving born agains, and if over a third of them are already calling for Chimpie's scalp, as the revelations and bodies mount, all that wrath they aimed at gay marriage and Terry Schiavo's husband is going to find a newer and juicier target in El Presidente.

Geez, I feel like dancing all of a sudden. And Chimpie is feeling the heat. If you recall, on September 17, 2003, he said, "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th attacks." Yet in his speech on Tuesday, he repeated September 11 over and over and over while supposedly adressing the need to be in Iraq. This, to me at least, is a sign of desperation on his part, because he is trying to reconstruct an appeal to emotion for September 11 to get support for his illegal war in Iraq. But living as he does in his insular little bubble, he doesn't realize that even something as horrific as that attack cannot be squeezed over and over for the same effect. The polls show it. He even dared to trot out the name of Osama bin Laden, who as far as I know is still thumbing his nose at us because Bush's hardon for Iraq diverted necessary resources out of Afghanistan, taking the pressure off bin Laden, al Qaeda's core and the Taliban.

Of course, that only concerns you if you believe Chimpie gives a shit about anything except the continuation of the oligarchy that he was so lucky to be born into. There is no price too great for him to have us pay so long as his class retains power.
"Rebuilding a country after three decades of tyranny is hard, and rebuilding while at war is even harder," he said.
I wonder if he's actually talking about the United States and not Iraq. Of course, what does this child of privilege know about hard work, despite his claims to the contrary?

Have Jenna and Barbara signed up yet? They could at least shovel some rubble or something, you know, as a sign of "sacrifice."

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