Saturday, July 02, 2005

Isikoff Confirms O'Donnell's Scoop

Read all about it at Editor and Publisher. Michael Isikoff of Newsweek has corroborated Lawrence O'Donnell's revelation last night that Karl Rove was Matthew Cooper's source; however, I do note that nowhere does it explicitly say that Rove was the key leaker of Valerie Plame's name and status as a CIA operative. If he did, then it gets very, very interesting. The last paragraphs in the E&P piece tells why.
According to published reports, Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in the case, has interviewed President Bush and Vice President Cheney and called Karl Rove, among others, to testify before the grand jury.

"The breadth of Fitzgerald's inquiry has led to speculation that it has evolved into an investigation of a conspiracy to leak Plame's identity," the Chicago Tribune observed on Friday, "or of an attempt to cover up White House involvement in the leak."
Iraq increasingly looks like Vietnam, and the Chimpie regime looks like it's found its very own Watergate.


Anonymous said...

...or their Waterloo. Either way, their monstrous pride will goeth before their massive fall, with any luck.

That, or the media will get bored with Tom Cruise, and set upon Rove in proper bloodlust fashion.

Get 'im, boys!

Olaf said...

Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Rove's counsel, Robert Luskin, informs him that he's looking at serious time in a no-bullshit federal prison. It would give a whole new meaning to the phrase "wet-ass moment."