Saturday, July 02, 2005

O'Donnell Makes It Clear: It Was Rove

There's no misinterpreting this statement from Lawrence O'Donnell. But why did this have to come out over a three-day weekend? In any case, watch all the players carefully. Rove is clever, and this could be just an elaborate ploy to actually defuse something else. However, my hope is that Rove is as susceptible to his own arrogance and power as other powerful men have been and will bring about his own ignominious and disgracing downfall. Cross your fingers, say your prayers, burn your sage--whatever it takes. I anxiously await tomorrow's papers, as O'Donnell declares
I know Newsweek is working on an 'It's Rove!' story and will probably break it tomorrow.
Coming on the heels of Chimpie's weak Iraq speech last Tuesday, this administration is looking more and more like it's, to borrow from Dick "I Kill Your Kids for Oil" Cheney, "in its last throes."

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