Friday, June 24, 2005

Who Really Hates Our Troops?

Will Durst puts it exactly right:
Okay, get this and get this straight. Criticizing our Government is not the same as criticizing our armed forces. Okay? The same way that criticizing our Government is not the same as criticizing our postal workers. Or criticizing our zoo keepers or our ceramic mosaic tile grout installers. And let me make this clear, I am not in any way suggesting that any of these groups be criticized. Especially the postal workers.

Furthermore, telling the press that you are disgusted by reports of torture does not endanger our troops. You're all so fired up desperate to know what does endangers our troops; I'll tell you what endangers our troops: Greedy, cretinous toad leaders who send them 12,000 miles away to a desert to fight a war based on lies. Lies about the threat, and lies about a phantom desire to negotiate. That's who is responsible for putting our troops in harm's way. The idiots who sent them into this -- and yes, its time to say it out loud -- this quagmire.
Now go read the rest of it, then have a beer (Pilsner Urquell for me) and have a great weekend. Try to have some fun because liberals enjoying themselves in America really pisses off the theo-fascists and neocon shitheads. In fact, see if you can get the phone numbers of some Republican activists in your town, and when you're really feeling good, call some up and tell them how happy it makes you that they are destroying themselves by tying their fortunes to Team Bushit. Those motherfuckers are going down, and going down hard. The right wing is, to paraphrase Dick "Evil but Stupid" Cheney, in its death throes.

See you Monday.

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