Friday, June 24, 2005

Chickenshit Republicans

The label is fitting if you are a Republican, support the war, but refuse to donate your body or the body of a loved one to be an instrument of the military in fighting the Global War on Terror in Iraq. Not that you don't have a rich tradition of cowardice, allowing others to fight your battles whenever you can. Let's review:

1. George W. Bush - escaped duty in Vietnam by mincing into Texas Air National Guard thanks to daddy's connections; failed to finish service. Wasted a substantial investment in his training when he stopped flying for unspecified reasons. Unexplained absence from duty.

2. Karl Rove - Avoided service to his country through numerous student deferments, but never completed a degree.

3. Dick Cheney - married to avoid draft, then fathered a daughter to avoid draft, used grad school deferment, claiming he "had other priorities." Still using wife and daughter to protect his sorry ass.

4. Donald Rumsfeld - hid from service in Korea by staying in school playing in ROTC. However, unlike most chickenhawks, he actually served on active duty for a while. In spite of this, they let him join the neocon cabal. Has more than earned his stripes by destroying the US Army and Marine Corps.

5. Former Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft - received deferment to teach at SW Missouri State in business education.

6. Paul Wolfowitz, did not serve
7. Richard Perle, did not serve
8. Bill Kristol, did not serve
9. House Majority Leader Tom "Giant Flying Cockroach "Delay - avoided the draft, claiming that minorities "had all the good jobs" in the army.
10. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
11. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist - did not serve.
12. Rick "Man on Dog Sex" Santorum, R-PA, third ranking Republican in the Senate - did not serve
13. Jeb Bush, Florida Governor - did not serve.
14. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - avoided the draft, did not serve but still defends Vietnam action.
15. Rush "Hillbilly Heroin Homeboy" Limbaugh - used his anal cyst to escape service during Vietnam and still relies on it as the source of his lying, vitriolic radio presence which has proven popular with similarly afflicted, i.e. shit-for-brains, Americans

You get the idea. For a more complete list visit Chickenhawk Central.

Jonah Goldberg of The National Review is the poster boy for today's chickenhawks. He wrote,
I think that war with Iraq is necessary to save lives in the long run. I think that those who are opposed to toppling Saddam are risking American (and Arab and Israeli) lives too.

Soldiers will die in any war, that's why they call it war.
Then he wrote, without the slightest shame,
As for why my sorry ass isn't in the kill zone, lots of people think this is a searingly pertinent question. No answer I could give -- I'm 35 years old, my family couldn't afford the lost income, I have a baby daughter, my ass is, er, sorry, are a few -- ever seem to suffice.
Yes, that's so sad, Jonah. God knows that no men or women in their thirties who can't afford lost income or have kids are in the military.

So you've got plenty of support and solidarity with your leadership, and from the accounts I've heard, Operation Yellow Elephant has yielded no volunteers for Iraq from all you College Republicans, so I applaud your consistency in cowardice and hypocrisy.

Chimpie, Karl and Rush are so proud of you for not showing them up as the big yellow 'fraidy cats that they are. Cowardice--a proud and continuing neocon tradition.

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